
Brilliant show. All the brilliant shows are on pay channels (after having already overpaid for regular cable and having crap on the networks), sadly.

REALLY? It was THAT bad?

Amen. Wish I could get back the time I wasted on Dexter the Lumberjack.

Funny stuff.

She is the best thing about Californication. So glad it's going off the air. The show itself and Duchovny blow goats.

I have to agree with you, theaddict. But…….I never watched the show until lately. When the little kid was brought to school for show and tell, I turned it off and never went back, until now, because there is nothing else on until Nurse Jackie comes back. No more Episodes, no more Girls, sob.

Good on you. Never woulda guessed Cameron was a female name.

Well, you were right on this with the C+. The '+' was a gift.

Yes, but will McConaughey show his ass? If not, who would bother watching the movie? It was stupid. The only saving grace was…………..McConaughey's ass.

Really? The fact that Sue's stupid selfish myopic parents didn't think enough of their fragile insecure daughter to be there for her on her big night didn't bother you?

an entire episode of Match Game with the director’s track intact.

Wait, Todd didn't LIKE it? Damn, I shoulda read them words. I hated the finale too.

Too many words, Todd, sorry not interested. TD had lots of words then bailed in the 8th into ordinary procedural with a soupçon of Odd Couple thrown in, not to mention freak incest bullshit.

——————-she might be pushing her boyfriend too far as well.

Excellent article. A lesson in history for all those who think Survivor and American Idol are quality television.