
There IS very little to judge, which makes it odd that they chose this particular clip. The vehicle animation is...basic, if inoffensive. I’m not a big fan of the Major’s design, but that’s neither here nor there. The real issue, for me, is how rough the animation and visuals actually are. As a teaser, I would have

Yikes. I knew they were taking a CG route, but after seeing what studios like Orange (Houseki no Kuni, Beastars) have done with full CG as a storytelling medium, this looks... terrible

I don’t mind 3D, but I agree this looks really generic, like a game cutscene. Then again, after the Netflix Saint Seiya and Ultraman shows, does it surprise anyone?

Tangentially related, I feel like maybe Toyota needs to apply some Konmari method to their busy, overwrought design.

Three things here—for me, anyway (YMMV):

1.) This is a delayed punishment, and it seems like that delay was largely a function of Blizzard gauging the (almost entirely negative) reaction to their sanctioning of Blitzchung. When most of the complaints coming out about Blitzchung’s treatment included acknowledgment that

That’s why I said the original fish saucey type of condiment variety wasn’t used because the dish would be a savory/savory dish. As for the name, everything I can find refers to the word ketchup as an anglicized form of the Chinese word, not an play on “catch all”.

My first time experiencing ketchup heavy tomato sauce was in HK while visiting family. It was very similar but instead had big tender slices of braised beef tongue. It was pretty amazing. Also kick-started my love of beef tongue, which doesn't get enough love in the States.

Being Hong Kong-Canadian, talking about ketchup as an ingredient brings back memories. Some good, some bad. Definitely overly sugary. I blame this partly on places similar to your Hong Kong cafe, and partly because my mom is not a very good cook. Given that she’s in her 70s now, that is highly unlikely to change.

Since ketchup has Chinese origins (the word ketchup is a derivative of kê-tsiap) it could be that the cooks who came up with this recipe used what they deemed to be a complimentary, modern day ingredient (an ingredient as you noted) vs. the tradition fish-saucey ingredient that the original ketchup tasted like for

Hey everyone! Real quick before we get too many comments here, which I love and absolutely encourage: please be mindful that this recipe is a beloved part of another culture, and mocking an entire culture for something you haven’t actually tried is a dick move. I mocked the notion of ketchup on spaghetti for years,

Notwithstanding that, doesn’t that make it pretty obvious that then perhaps Blizzard should have reacted in a different way?

This isn’t milking it, this is Journalism, I personally can’t wait for the shit show at Blizzcon and I hope Kotaku reports on it.

Ultimately, everything is political. I forget who actually said it, but the aphorism that we do not have to take an interest in politics for politics to take an interest in us is absolutely true—and it’s of vital importance to the present situation.

More importantly, Acti-Blizz (and the NBA, and South Park) took a

Absolutely true, and I think most people know that. But I’d rather do a little than shrug and do nothing. So I cancelled my WoW subscription, which was pretty tough since it’s how I spend 90% of my game time since Classic came out.

And in 5-10 years Blizz can be a China-first company, if that’s what they want.  Go for

Well I know I’ve found my line. It’s a shame because I was really excited for Blizcon and shit but the only way businesses are going to learn to not bow to China’s authoritarian whims is if the customer base punishes them greatly for it. Some mouthbreather is probably going to come in to the comments with the tiresome

ESPN is worried about pissing off Tencent, the massive Chinese internet company that it struck a deal with in 2016.

in a similar vein, i’ve heard that firefighters unions will fight against anything that goes on or next to streets: parking, bike lanes, curbouts, certain businesses, etc.

yea, i understand fighting for pay, benefits and safety infrastructure, but attempting to dictate product?  get out of here.

Yeah, I’m a long-term Tesla skeptic, but increasing sales while your much larger competition with better retail, marketing and sales operations than you have are all struggling is objectively impressive. I expect a lot of people to buy the dip here.