
Well, very rarely have I ever encountered a video or animation that I can't play on my iPad, even when i force it to use the desktop version of the site. Youtube videos play without any trouble.

IPS screen, antennas. Other than that, I don't know. I don't even know it that makes up for it.

My reply had nothing to do with Apple. It had to do with you saying how someone should die.

Me too!

My iPad 2 doesn't have that issue. I bought it last Sunday. Try the store and see if they'll replace it.

Death is not something to wish on anyone in this situation.

It depends on what camera you use.

And Nokia would just sit in the corner, waiting for the Allspark to magically fly to them.(Hint: It never will)

What is your field?

There is a data warning bar on the image, so probably not.

1. Internet access is not a right. It is a privilege.

iTunes is on Windows too. No one makes you use it on any platform.

Hmm, I didn't know that.

I don't want to void my warranty.


Therefore, the dollar will long outlive the human race.

Did anyone else think of Hal's apartment from Megamind? I tried to upload a screenshot, but I can't figure out how to upload a photo on my computer. Do I type the path to the image?

Happy Birthday! It's mine too!

@khvfx- I applaud you sir, for your genius!

Try sharing something using Google+. Send it to their email.