
The unwritten rules all come down to the pitchers being soft, easily shook, primadona-born with golden arm lottery winners..the pitchers pump their fist and scream after big strike outs..GOD FORBID a batter do the same.

He shoots it as well as Paul George’s overall three-point percentage; is a medium-contested Paul George three from a few inches behind the line a bad shot? Almost every shot in the NBA that isn’t a dunk is more likely to miss than go in. For Dame Lillard, with the game tied, that shot’s reasonable.

By the only objective measure, it was a good shot. Everything else is the arcane art of what might have been.

that a Man is more right to rule simply because of his gender

No. No, it was not. He tomahawk chopped across his body, much harder than necessary.

Agree to disagree. To my eyes he took a reckless tomahawk chop at Allen that risked injury but just happened to touch the ball before whacking Allen. According to the NBA’s rules, that is absolutely a foul (any non-incidental contact with an airborne shooter is a foul regardless of whether you touch ball first).

This is like Zack Snyder clowning Spielberg for making a bad film.

I get the love for Embiid, but his jokes are barely more creative than a Dwight Howard impersonation.

So, why exactly am I supposed to think Embiid is some lovable goof? Because he seems like a dick.

The fact that he’s both good and kind of funny on Twitter has made everyone not notice that Joel Embiid plays defense like Bill Laimbeer. Despite playing three-quarter seasons and not making it particularly far in the playoffs, he has more flagrant fouls than anyone else in the league the last two years including

If you don’t like hitters flipping the bat after a dong, you should also allow pitchers to get charged every time they fist pump a strikeout.

Did someone say Denali-minivan?!?!

I will definetly let the players know. I’ve played hockey most of my life. I have probably played at 25-30 different rinks.

the warriors arent proactively deploying their goons, that is the difference. Im surprised htat needs explaining. 

Took out Kobe and Shaq in 5 fucking games. 

True story, that was his 2nd time that day doing the full parry. First time that day was on Ricki Ortiz in casuals who told floe and some others what happened. That’s why you can hear floe yelling “don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it”before Justin does it. Apparently, all the Japanese players knew he could do it as

I always felt like the Mavs win over the Heat gave most people the license to sit back and just enjoy the insanity of Miami’s Big-3. Like yeah, “The Decision” was fucking dumb and this is clearly just some bullshit to get some rings, but they lost one and now let’s just watch three of the best players assembled do

The guy goes “I demand you blow up this team midseason and wreck the future of the franchise by not being able to get close to fair value for me, because I demand to go right now during the season instead of after it” and the people responsible for the toxic environment are the executives who quite correctly told him

Pretty sure I’ve played with this guy at the Y.

Listen, I was 9 when the Tim Burton Batman came out too, but I try not to let it back me into bonkers takes like “Jack Nicolson was a better Joker than Heath Ledger.