
Yes, this seems like a pretty straightforward telling of the Bundy story and his relationship. It’s gross and uncomfortable because that’s who he was and that’s how the story played out.

This is exactly right. I worked with a woman who knew him, and she said he was very attractive and charming, and did not come of creepy (at least on the level she knew him) in the least. 

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

“Westbrook has accumulated a bevy of beeves with the Blazers.”

lol calm down this is a politics website 

You “caught” her, huh? Using the TV when it’s not allowed? To watch programming you don’t approve of?

you might want to dig into why you found it so disturbing. i experienced extreme cultural dissonance and could not follow her line of thinking at all beyond the surface level (get rid of shit you don’t need and keep the rest in order) but i’ve a hard time understanding why it would be upsetting.

If there is one key skill you think of when you think soccer, it’s hand eye coordination.

Please Beyonce is great but she aint all that

far because you’ve never left your flyover town

The ultimate humiliation for any ball player is knowing that James Harden dropped a 3 on you without travelling.

I don’t understand this weird obsession of reddit. Why do people care so much about it around here? 

This is an impossibly mundane story told in a longform fashion I just wasn’t expecting. James Joyce is proud of you, I guess.

Most remarkable stat of the night: Harden only took 9 free throws (made 8).

Wait--Westbrook didn’t do shit. He can’t do a celebration after his teammate does some shit. The teammate who shit on Stephenson is the only one allowed to do that. RULES.

I found myself in Cleveland a few years ago and went to the house where they shot the exteriors, it’s been retrofitted into a memorabilia tourist trap type thing. Lots of fun. Anyway, the guy who played Randy was there for a signing event - genuinely nice dude who apparently has done some bouncing around in Hollywood

I’m glad he found something to celebrate after going 3 for fucking 20 from the field

by “counterpoint” you mean “correct take”