Will pay for current events blog

They literally have beach police who will come around who will stop you if your hole gets to any decent size and they will fill in your hole.

I use a jellyfish and man-o-war glaze on the sides of my holes.

And don’t leave tents, chairs, etc out over night.

It would be like the Hulk or Superman Returns. They would just ignore it and just make another one. People love Star Wars and want to love Star Wars. Even if it gets terrible or completely different (new actors, stories that don’t make sense), people will still love it. I guess it might become like a classic rock

Globalism that doesn’t properly distribute the gains from globalism has downsides, yes. As with every economic theory it doesn’t take into account that humans are greedy shits.

Globalism doesn’t have a downside is like saying Oreos are a health food. You can say it but it doesn’t make it true.

“There’s not really a downside” LOL

Actually, my brainwashed or paid Russian friend, government is precisely the answer.

You can have a job in my concert hall right now. I can’t even get my own house managers to seat people at the end of a movement, let alone the whole damn piece. Concert etiquette is a dying art.

A long, long time ago.

You sure proved conservatives love Dr. Seuss.

Little known fact… You stop hate with puppies and sunshine. That’s why there’s no more hate anymore. If you just ignore the hate, it all goes away. No need to fight it, people are super smart and evolved, hate just kind of takes care of itself these days.

Welcome to our planet! Are you staying long?

“I thought Gawker got shut down because Univision recognized there was no revenue in it and they didn’t want political commentary.”

“I don’t want to ignore it.”

That was a quote from the January meeting, I believe.

In Upstate New York our recess monitors called this game Wall Ball. We called it Red Ass.

Anyone else here play “butts up” as a kid? This looks like a more painful version, like if your buddy’s older brother caught the ball on no bounce from like a foot or two from the garage door/wall on the side of the school.

+1 Yojimbo