Now, put that bottle down, son. Let's think about things before we say them…
Now, put that bottle down, son. Let's think about things before we say them…
Black Sabbath plays.. wait, no, um… hold on, how do I do.. erm.. :::bursts into tears, runs off::::
I just posted something similar without reading through the comments. I concur wholeheartedly.
Jackie Brown is, just, but, is, Tarantino's best film, probably for the reasons you state - he's a little disconnected, so he's not trying to be Tarantino - he's trying to make a good film. and what a film - Robert De Niro's best late career performance (unless I've forgotten something - maybe copland, or perhaps the…
not any more - all my gigs just dried up????
It worked for Jimeoin in Australia…
It's libertarianism writ large - we're all equal in everything, so why have distinctions? You don't like your life? Get out of it - it's your RIGHT, I tell ya! You're an immigrant - learn English - you should do it in a week or so. Maybe a couple of days - or you're lazy. Buy my shit. That's what you have the right to…
I thought it avoided over direction and over acting and over writing… the curse of most indie films.
Fair enough. I found it the film I'd enjoyed most in about 10 years… just sayin', not here to fight.
I'd put it in the top 25 British television comedies: maybe higher.
You know Atkinson was a NT9ON member, yes?
Essentially, you don't listen to American historians.
Read Hobsbawm, Age of REvolution.
erm… Cars have been used as metaphors for women and sex since… well, the invention of the car: check out Robert JOhnson's 'Terraplane Blues', or Chuck Berry's Maybellene…
As I say earlier, apparently lea Michele is much better than she's allowed to portray as Rachel Barry. So, if you read my comments as criticisms of Rachel, I can ask again? How?
I'm happy to reduce my argument to lea as Rachel. Having not seen her live, I will believe you. The auto tune turned me off. Very pleased to hear that it's the idiotic producers who put it in. As I've said, she is a fine actress.
Could he separate? Because if he could be 'discrete', he must have been an X-man…
You're not wrong, in terms of the narrative structure. But stabler is a good actor. It, to me, is a credibility thing. Hr voice has never been able to sell it to me. Which then undermines the narrative of the show.
as i said earlier.. HOW? she's a mediocre singing talent at best - she'd not pass any audition… I think if Glee was really brave, they'd have her fail…