Fun fact - Doom was made during the prepatch Bloodborne load screens.
Fun fact - Doom was made during the prepatch Bloodborne load screens.
Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.
Shoulda taken a beat, removed the USC shirt, and had another USC shirt underneath
“Golfing as a leisure activity is on the serious decline.”
Normally I would agree with you. But inversely, I hate it when a game comes out with DLC well after I’ve stopped playing the game. It’s very difficult for me to get back into a game when I’ve put it down for several months.
that is a retired NHL player crushing the Grammy Award-winning artist Justin Bieber.
Forgive my ignorance about hockey (I live in South America... ahem.. Argentina in fact), but is this some hockey player crushing another NHL hockey player that happens to have the name Justin Bieber? Or is this actually the little harem pants wearing, basketball stylist, internationally known ... umm.. “vocalist”…
Yeah, I loved the episodic format, I think it worked really well.
I’d argue the exact opposite. The “episodic” structure has kept me far more interested in the game as a whole. If I had just waited and bought it all out, I’d probably do the story missions once then never touch it again. Having the time between episodes allowed me to really explore the individual stages and play…
Welcome aboard the USS Homestar Runner dot com!
Was it intentional to post this right after the Thrustmaster review?
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.
Outline is only for spectator, also he can only see position on minimap if a teamate has current line of sight on enemy, again though for spectators only the minimap has all positions all the time.
I’ll take that stock off your hands.
I would counter that the sports games probably provided more net satisfaction than the AAA games.
What’s your second paragraph trying to say?
Seriously, I don’t get why he braked so hard. His STI could have made that turn at that speed no problem, he thinks the Ferrari couldn’t have?
“That sneaky fuckin’ Russian.”
The phrase "hundreds of years old" is not an appositive clause. It is an adjectival phrase directly modifying seed, so should not be set off by commas. The only thing worse than commenting on grammar is commenting on grammar and being wrong about it.