I never knew Whole Foods was something to be excited about. Then again, I live in Brooklyn where most wouldn't give a rats ass about it.
I never knew Whole Foods was something to be excited about. Then again, I live in Brooklyn where most wouldn't give a rats ass about it.
SoDoSoPa is so passe. CtPaTown is where it's at now. It even has a Wholefoods.
The most hilarious thing a lot of people probably missed was that after Whole Foods moved in, people lost interest in SoDaSoPa and it fell to ruin.
In other news, all future honorary degrees will be rescinded for anyone who commits a "hot cosby."
I thought seal liver was toxic because it contained too much vitamin A.
F^&* those canucks to death!
Must stop eating Oreos…
Another protester is offended by something they were clearly warned about during the opening credits and numerous commercial breaks.
I prefer "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption."
He avoids dogs, cats and endangered species. Everything else is fair game.
Well they're both dead now so I guess we can call it a tie.