Becca James

Same. ;)

Hey! 99 % shows up for a few reasons: We want to hit at least 10 recommendations for the week and it is occasionally pitched by other people. More importantly, it's a good 'cast about the things we overlook each day, so I'm usually sold on it.

First! ;)


Is it from The Tie Bar?!

Marry me!

Thank you for the info. I also edited the sentence a little because, as someone pointed out, it read a bit off.


That's mostly to do with the schedule of some of our writers. We try to be kind to our freelancers who have day jobs and can't write things until the weekend or late at night.

I'm glad you're enjoying it, and remember that we are always open to suggestions!

Why is that?

What about dragon coins?! Also, Mario came out of the womb a plumber, mustache included!

Yes, I did! I thought that was especially cool, given that too many people are still shocked when women like Rush.

The only way I've ever witnessed the Pumpkins live is with just those two and the extras. I guess it's better than nothing!

Well, don't be shy (just let your feelings roll on by), what's your top five?

OH, MAN! Rush is the number one for me. I can't stress that enough. Also, I don't think Rush sticks out that much; the Pumpkins don't shy away from prog. Anywho, it's a lot of things, but I think what most people miss are albums like Power Windows or Presto, which both show some versatility on the band's part and are

1. Rush
2. Cat Stevens
3. The Smashing Pumpkins
4. Beastie Boys
5. Is a cop out because I rotate everything from The Cure to Fleetwood Mac to Foo Fighters in and out of there.

I completely get that my opinions on this could be viewed as flawed, and I can't exactly place my distaste for Alana, but maybe it's just because she's fictional, which allows me to harshly judge her. Oh, TV!

Thank you. I often wonder if my job has made me completely immune to spoilers (I used to edit our walkthroughs with Bryan Fuller before being able to watch the corresponding episodes) and I don't want to do a disservice to readers.

Sure, if they went off and dis something more productive, I would be all in. I would completely follow a storyline that revolved around those two as real characters instead of pawns.