No worries, I skipped the video too at first and then watched it later and remembered your comment asking about usb 3 so I came back to tell you it was.
No worries, I skipped the video too at first and then watched it later and remembered your comment asking about usb 3 so I came back to tell you it was.
If you watch the video is says that usb 3 is supported :)
Installing windows 7 from usb is painless, I've done it multiple times and not one error. []
I'd imagine you could buy a different brand card, also in the original article they suggested a 1GB model but lifehacker changed it ans suggested a 512 MB.
Sure there are, the case they chose does come with a what appears to be pretty "ok" power supply so you also have to look at that part of it. The case is just about the only thing that i would say you can pick which ever one you want other than the one they suggest in the guide, as long as it will fit the motherboard…
I would totally add him if he played the PC version, or if I played the playstation version. But neither is true, so oh well.
#corrections the App Brain "link" isn't a link at all for RemoteDroid
Yeah I have to agree, since i was going to post basically the same exact thing but decided to read the comments first and make sure no ones beat me too it, which you have.
Ok, I litterally JUST bought an Optimus V- haven't even activated it yet (can't the centers are closed and I want to transfer my old number over), and I'm switching from a jailbroken iPhone 3G on T-Mobile, I was wondering if you could link me to some sources to overclock it to around 800 and underclock it at the same…
I have to agree with Mythos...
I was referring to sandorasbox's other comment in its own thread which says "Once I learned how to use photoshop/illustrator the magic of posters like these was killed for good. If anyone wants to give me five dollars I'll design you a poster, an ultra limited edition poster, featuring any combination of mario art and…
They aren't holes, they are PORTALS ;P lol
so you work for 4 hours for 5 bucks? sounds like a good deal to me :D
Absolutely. Sounds a lot like my story lol.
I just got a copy of portal 1 also! But I already gave mine away...
Maybe it will be like twilight princess and stretch across two different generations of systems?
Everytime I go to Frank and Sons in California which is on Wednesdays and saturdays I get a ton of street passes and max out my steps, or the 10 coins, per day. Its a really neat feature, and I wonder what other games will include in their games with streetpass in mind, sfIV is kind of neat in what it does with the…
Hrmm, anyone else get "Login throttled, too many attempts. Try again in a couple of minutes." when they try to log in on the website?
and fords been doing really well in the rally scene.
No, Brushless, which in my opinion is better than a nitro powered r/c car, all the speed with less than half the maintenance of nitro.