I'm a PC

@wjglenn: Lol, I was making a reference to Iron Man. But sounds handy, I'm going to do it. :]

Just wondering, what is it that all of you are deleting that is so protected? I think I have only needed to delete something I didn't have access too but I solved it with a little bit of googling. You guys make it sound as if every file on your computer is locked down and that you need this program to survive.

@wjglenn: Everything should recognize "Mute" as a command and obey it right?

Is it still resource hungry?

@Malcolm Rogers: I assumed you mean windows when i clicked it because the post does say "linux only" so I was let down when I read that, I myself being a mostly windows guy.

@MizukiTHPS: Last time I got stung by a jelly fish was when I was young, and I went to the lifeguard who happened to be nearby and this is what he said when I told him what happened "That sucks, I'm sorry."

I love MSE, I also run ClamAV along side it and I have to say that I'm happy with them both

@iighite: In the past I have always used Bull Frog quik gel sunblock, because I found that it works amazing while swimming for a very long time which I do during the summer months. It isn't greasy and doesn't run when it gets wet so its been my favorite for a long time, but according to your site Bull Frog Quik Gel

Now playing

@TadGhostal: and I saw that Apple has become the "evil" that they originally advertised against.

As soon as I read "like iTunes" I thought about stopping... I do have to give them credit for not going with a name like "iMeta" though. I also think it needs avi support.

@VincentGrey: I just have to say I approve of what you said.

@Simonovski: nono, I knew about that, I'm sorry, I should of made my self clearer, I was referring to the sms "warning" that facebook can give you when ever a new computer logs in.

I've really been wondering why they didn't have a feature like this sooner (or maybe they did?) now I would like to see gmail and other places do this same thing

The timer thing works for me. Then I will take a short break, such as read a lifehacker post (but I usually try to stay away from the internet because it can easily turn into a big distraction) or read a few pages in a book that I'm currently reading. Then go back to work and repeat

That guy stole my scissors! I've been looking everywhere for them and I've found them; on that guys bed.

@kondrik: I'm going to have to agree with you, going off of how long I have had my account/been posting I'm "older" than you so therefore you should find a new and better one ;) lol, I'm jk, I really don't care if we have almost exactly the same avatar, it's cool to know that someone else thinks its a wicked cool

How about a program that checks if your drivers are up to date? The ones for xp and vista don't seem to work very well in Windows 7.

VOTE: Hamachi

@Coreboy: I didn't say that people were trying to use proxies to try and tunnel around the NSA, I'm just saying don't they know enough about us from just our google searches and such? Why should they, they being google and the NSA, know everything else we are browsing?