Malenky Lizards

It’s funny to see all these people saying that “the charges were dropped”,as if that makes him proven innocent (and a few morons even saying that the charges were “bullshit”).

Um, no on the charges being declared bullshit:

Yep. While there will be extensive media coverage and discussions about Assange and his rights, let’s spare a thought for the woman he allegedly raped who was denied any justice because he hid like a coward until the statute of limitations passed.

Not as bad overall(mostly due to the fact that we have better and more affordable healthcare in the UK than back then) but a lot of the same tactics are used to chase out homeless people from the city. London still installs spikes in locations known to be rudimentary shelter for the homeless to discourage their

Thank you. It’s hard to illustrate what this “accommodation” was like because it’s so hard to believe anyone could possibly sleep like that. London also noted in ‘People of the Abyss’ that you were welcome to sit on benches at night but if the police caught you asleep whilst sitting you could go to prison for years. As

So women are just collateral damage in a rapist’s journey to adulthood?

If my daughter grows in to being a dumb bimbo, I’d like to think I’d find a way to be supportive instead of forcing her into college when we both know she doesn’t belong there.

That’s the ‘right’ way to bribe your kid into college. Even the guy who did the scam with the celebrities admitted to it

Hmm, yes, but are they going to have Song of the South on their streaming service?

You realize that was basically Trump’s platform too, right? Just from a far-right perspective.

This is not a plan, and I won’t vote for some who can’t articulate how we can actually achieve any of his/her stated aims. He has not seriously engaged with the economics or politics of his proposals, and that’s a deal breaker for me when it comes to deciding who I actually want to run the country.

It’s amazing that his positions galvanized a new generation of activism and have pushed the Democratic field to the left. He is demanding many things that we sorely need. I also agree that responsible adults must compartmentalize to some degree when it comes to political candidates - you won’t like EVERYTHING about

Not a good idea. He caught lightning in a bottle last time and had the perfect foil in Hilary Clinton. Now he has candidates that will highlight all of his flaws and blind spots. There’s Elizabeth Warren who is socialist leaning but is actually a member of the Democratic Party, unlike Bernie. Bernie still hasn’t

I hate that the women in his life seem to be held more publicly accountable for his actions than he is. We either have articles asking women to answer for his crimes, or articles asking when CK and men like him are allowed to return to their “rightful” place in the spotlight. Why do women have to answer for the

We need something like Germany’s system: single-payer healthcare with a fancier private option for rich people (you have to demonstrate a certain income before opting out of the public system, and you don’t get out of paying your health taxes, as is proper) and to use as an employment perk in white-collar jobs. Works

I didn’t know the Hapsburgs were still around. 

Emma Stone must have a picture growing old in her attic. Maybe it’s the shorter hair but she actually looks younger in the 10 year later photo.

No. Make the United States a place where a woman doesn’t have to choose between shelter and supporting her child. If we had stronger social safety nets and more pro-family policies, women would be less likely to choose adoption.

Buried the lede & missed the point by a mile. This is NOT about Bezos’s excruciatingly-sweet love texts— this is about Donald Trump using his National Enquirer to publicly embarrass his financial nemesis.