
Which is in a way sad because it simply reinforces the idea that women’s only value is their sex appeal. We celebrate Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B. like they’re the pinnacle of women’s empowerment while women like Kamala Harris get nothing but flack if they’re spoken of at all.

There is nothing immoral or unethical about adult nudity or being sexual. She literally isn’t hurting anyone. Jezuz the fact that you unironically have attempted to make the comparison between someone flashing titties and a person who committed genocide, is it brain worms? Do you have brain worms?

Shakespeare wrote the popular entertainment of his day (hence all the slang and general ribaldry). So did Mozart, Beethoven, etc. The whole high-culture/low-culture debate is a modern (and very questionable) thing. How is this relevantly different from the first people to re-stage a Shakepeare play? KOTOR is a more

This is a bad take, particularly from someone who writes about video games for a living.

Most of Shakespeare’s plays were a re-telling of older stories (particularly the Italian ones) anyway.

“You wouldn’t hot wire a car to move it out of your way, would you????”

All the butt-hurt racist asshats trying to make the excuse that you don’t touch someone else bike are making a lame-ass argument.

I will not sit by quietly and listen to you disparage House of Buggin’

Honestly, give the movie a watch, but less as a Mario movie than an an action comedy. I know, you got 2 words for me: “Im possible.” But nothing’s impossible, guys. Improbable, unlikely, but never impossible. Give it a shot, mammal.

that was just an example of how people aren’t even agreeing on what the problem is.
No matter the reason people dislike it, I’m exhausted by the excessive reaction it has been getting.

Isn’t the protagonist 17? I hesitate to even call 21 year olds “in the their 20's”. And besides, this is exactly how many girls in their late teens/early 20s speak, where have you been?

Honestly, I find the reaction everyone is having to it exhausting. It’s so excessive, it feels a lot like when people pile on the “twitter main character of the day”
Heck, people can’t even agree on what is the problem. Some people apparently latched on to the idea that people don’t ever talk to themselves/have inner

Aside from “freaking”, this is exactly how a woman in her 20s actually speaks.

Aside from the teaser being slightly cringey, I’m not sure how this blew up. I’m assuming a very slow day across the internet?

Where was this negativity when the Borderlands games came out? It’s got that same smarmy, self-aware tone, yet the fanboys were all over how “hilarious” Borderlands was.

I’m not shocked that one of the very few big budget games starring a woman of color has been getting negative press since its reveal. Protect black women.

Same. The trailer was no more cheesy/silly/bad/whatever than your average game trailer (not that I oppose having a little fun with it!).

how is that even possible with the sheer volume of ads that I have to close to read even the shortest article on this site?  They should be able to afford to reanimate and hire Faulkner with that much money.

Pretty sure they can’t afford him anymore.

Why on Earth would you want to do that to Schrier?

And the horny articles. Don’t forget Kotaku’s growing number of horny articles that read like they were written by a 13 year old.