
Comments like these are so idiotic. It’s nice that he was friendly to you. That doesnt magically erase all of the many, many, many instances of him being a manipulative asshole and treating people like shit. Good goddamn grief...

He did WHAT to an original DK cabinet?!

One could meet Trump say the same thing. He treated me real nice, but Trump is a still a corrupt piece of shit asshole. Conmen always come at you with charm and a smile. That’s how they reel you in.

His multiple spurios lawsuits against anyone and everyone criticizing or questioning him and his records tend to point to him being a colossal douche. I’m glad he was kind to you when you spoke to him but it feels like the nice guy thing is a front to cover his asshole behavior.

anyone can be friendly to a potential fan. Billy Mitchell has a decades-long history of doing immensely douchey, shady, underhanded things, and then having people apologize for him by letting him pretend it’s all an act. BS. He is just a dishonest amoral cheating low-life who is all too happy to spend an hour being

you’re right, those weren’t great examples. Had I given myself more time, I’d have gone with Bruce Lee’s depiction in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

He’s arrogant, boastful, and gets his ass handed to him by a stuntman. It is character assassination. But it’s a fictional world, so it’s not legally actionable, as far as

All those character designs look really cool. I especially love the Ugnaught riding a droideka like a miniature version of Grievous’ wheelbike.

At the time it came out I was perfectly cool with that combat system.

glass of water take to think rise of skywalker is somehow worse than attack of the clones lol

No worries. Half will be bumped to the summer. 

I don’t know why it’s so difficult to get a quality “Aliens: the game.” They already nailed “Alien: the game” with Isolation. It seems (as a non-developer) that a quality survival horror game is more difficult than a straight up attrition shooter.

Ed is off not being part of the cast for the first 33% of the story.

Cannot imagine playing or finishing this game without being compelled to see + explore every inch of its map. One of the 5 best games of its generation.  That said, I can hold on the Director’s Cut until actually getting a PS5, probably sometime in 2023 at current pace.

I will, come hell or high water I will figure out how! Rest assured!

Your piece on Linda Guillory was just excellent writing. The composition and pacing were really well done. As someone that writes for a living (partially), it was just an impressive piece.

I’ve really enjoyed your writing here, bringing attention to people, games, and ways to think about them that are outside of my own

Seems like you got oddly hung up on my first comment rather than reading my itemized breakdown in this very thread. Go find me 100 words worth of praise in this 1500+ word review and we can have a discussion.

Its just as buggy as Cyberpunk 2077 but I didn’t know about it last week so FIVE STARS!!!”

Where do you get that I want it to be a POS? I never said or even implied that. The review openly admits the game has numerous issues including quest breaking bugs, but also says it is fun to play. And a lot of people, including myself, would say that sounds like Cyberpunk. Which I did play and did encounter

I mean... sounds like the whole game is told, structured, and balanced around being a roguelike. Calling that padding seems pretty crazy to me. It’s just what the game is. Gamers gotta let the hour number obsession go, too.