
I want to live long enough so I can urinate on Mitch McConnell’s grave.

No respect for black lives. They will keep doing because they know white people in a jury will never convict them. The same PD in the same city took this knife wielding white man alive, after three hours but she was shot on sight. Amerikkka indeed.

Are you sure you “stay out” of these threads due to “enthusiastic fans,” or do you stay out because you have pre-conceived notions about the activities, and (a) you’re unable to open your mind and genuinely consider different viewpoints about what the event is about and (b) you’re unable to ask what may well be a

It’s not for validation, it’s a visual setpiece for...hold your breath...*fun.* Y’know, that thing people like to have when they play video games or compete.


So whack. Hey Cecilia it seems like you enjoy writing articles want to start doing my kid’s homework?

Sounds exactly like Spider-Man 2. Large open world but confined to certain areas for some missions. Basically like every open world game.

I dunno, it depends..... You getting anything good?

Well, that’s....uh....good, I guess. Now, combine the warm fuzzies with thorough psychological screenings of academy applicants, proper training in using non-lethal force instead of resorting to the shoot ‘em up stylings, and effective outreach to ALL communities, and you’ve got a good thing going!

Or, people can buy whatever they want because: fuck off.

Or, people can buy whatever they want because: fuck off.

If he’s pro-gun, why wasn’t he able to stop the shooter?

Such a moral outstanding Christian of a Trump Supporter.

Mixed feelings about having a link to his last YouTube video. It gives us a window into his thinking, but it may also serve as an inspiration to other really troubled people. It is the same to me as publishing the full names of terrorists - that 15 minutes of fame that they won’t see, but their colleagues will.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

PSA: Amazon has missed street/launch date for every significant Switch release (including the console itself) for the majority of Amazon customers. Unless it is for a digital code, or you are perfectly fine with getting the game a day or two late (and if you report the error, usually a voucher for 20% of the purchase

PSA: Amazon has missed street/launch date for every significant Switch release (including the console itself) for

I don’t know about anyone else, but when i ordered Mario Kart Deluxe from Amazon it didn’t SHIP until launch day which means i didn’t get it until 2 days later.

I don’t know about anyone else, but when i ordered Mario Kart Deluxe from Amazon it didn’t SHIP until launch day

Is it just me or are we ready for Baby Boomers to kick the bucket and leave us the fuck alone?

I’m autistic so I gave trouble picking up on hits. If someone isn’t getting hints I’d assume they can’t and be more direct. The only hint i would read correctly is “sorry, I have to wash my hair”.

What makes this better is that this is pretty close to what I imagine God’s viewpoint on people who worship is:“Ugh, why do these losers keep inviting me over? I don’t want to hang out. I have never wanted to hang out. Get the hint already.” Either that or how I react when I see a roach in my kitchen.