Irrelevant Union or not, programmers either way. In a company with no cash. Wouldn’t change a thing. You can’t get nothing from nothing.
Irrelevant Union or not, programmers either way. In a company with no cash. Wouldn’t change a thing. You can’t get nothing from nothing.
Better to be buying the games. Had a Vita, all those extras were stupid gimmicks too. The PSP was passable, but played a few games on it at least. Wanted a PSTV, but never commited.
DB was amazing. It started as that but became something I love watching.
Great game, but why go closer to League. Dota was first and still the best. Heroes is interesting, but feels very different.
He’s outsourcing the Predidency. It was rumored long ago and turns out he is. Crazy and takes balls
Damn it, Chris Christie was one of the few I liked.
How can anyone have a negative opinion of this? These people are awesome, generosity in the season of giving.
Force Awakens was a remake.
Force Awakens was a remake.
So it’s bad you see your own naked body? Americans and their illogical prudeness.
Well i do think it’s pricy, it does need a bit to run. Especially when you don’t have it.
Wii remote was awesome. The fact you joined the gate bandwagon says the rest bout this post.
Well the people asked for Nintendo games on smartphones. And now people want more?
Lol, you’re right. It is buzzkill when you’re a billionaire.
And Ivanka is crazy hot.
Melanie is being smart, she doesn’t want that kind of attention and has a kid to raise. It’s a smart move, to avoid an unwanted role.
I know, they haven’t suffered. A rich prissy bitch hails hitler. No balls and less than a man.
If this is what I think it is.... that girl is too stupid to understand the guy on the left has always been oppressed and now it’s his turn. Center just follows the crew
Trump is gonna stomp on them too.
Strong and intelligent words against a digestable easy message.
This seems stupid. Card games ae expensive enough.