He did help build an empire. Disney was great, but his company has become somewhat scary.
He did help build an empire. Disney was great, but his company has become somewhat scary.
Well it is tough under the spotlight, even when he’s a musical genius. Doesn’t make sense to me as he does perform, so not sure why there’s rambling. He was right all those years ago bout that taylor video. Acted like an asshole, but was right.
Prince was the greatest. I only enjoyed a few songs, but he was talent and a good guy from what I read. Also, can’t believe the charlie murphy story was real. Sound outlandish.
I remember thinking the original was going to be an awesome volleyball instead of some wierd beach simulator. Oh well. They still did great enough, to release more.
Dreamcast, gamecube and wii remote.
From everyone’s advice. I’m getting a digital copy
Name the dirt bag. These guys are such assholes. They need to get over it. Let ghostbusters live on. They did a good job.
It’s one of the few open world games i like. Not sure why. San Andreas always looked cool, but could not commit.
It’s capitalism and they are making these schools rich as hell and you free entertainment.
Flaunt what you have.
You are on a message board over video games. Please, you are acting entitled.
Just cause they say this, doesn’t mean it is.
Well aren’t we both faceless here too. And you are bashing the hoards on a comment board and being that shining knight to a long passed war. Who even remembers most of this crap anymore? With so much coming out.
I agree. It’s too bad as people really love this game. I still have not played it.
Good for them. Finally making video games again and not shitting on those employees.
If it’s garbage like Other M. Why should it sell well. Make a good game andwe’ll buy.
Oh god, I am so tired of these dumbass loot based games. It’s been done to death with Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Borderlands, The Division and Destiny. I need something more than a random number generator.
I’m sure many play. The way we clamor for it and pay crazy amounts for Super M and all the metrovanias. Metroid got the formula down. Only Metroid game i regretted purchasing was Other M, that was a waste of money. Yet still got 52.99 from me.
I’m not going to pour my money into some games that aren’t worth it. Other M was stupidly frustrating.
Are you really Chinese or an American born from Chinese parents? Because people claim lineage, but with all these claims I see, people aren’t really. Kind of similiar to Jersey Shore where kids pretend to be Italian, but don’t know anything besides being kids partying.