Martin Schneider

Yes, I did think of that episode too, and there is something similar there. The tone and the feeling of it being distinctive within the series are both similar. But in that case there was enough content for 50 minutes so there was less need for padding, which wasn't the case here.

I didn't like it very much. It's BCS so my idea of not liking it is maybe a B+. The BrBa/BCS credo and magnificence is resisting obviousness, but really every scene in this episode was just aching with obviousness. The clearest example is Mr. Four Guns, who as soon as he opens his mouth you know he's going to get

I thought this episode was borderline terrible, so much emoting and speechifying! The two jokes that drove everything were that Greendale is terrible and that Dean is in love with Jeff, jokes we've seen too many variations of. I hate to say it but the core has been shattered by too many changes, the Season 4 of course

This is the exact way to avoid getting distinctive episodes onto the list. If you want to list the 25 best sitcoms, then let's do that. This is not that.

I'm not even sure it's a sitcom, but I'd consider putting SportsNight's S02E03 on the list. It's the one where the Willam H. Macy character is introduced, and that one episode pulled off something distinct and special.

A small complaint. The Lakshmi character is overkill on the part of the show. Wikipedia says that ISKCON set up shop in NYC in 1966, and the guru type in the room was apparently the original guru who ran the whole ISKCON thing or at least in NYC. We can see that the operation isn't huge — just a little room with ~40

A small complaint. The Lakshmi character is overkill on the part of the show. Wikipedia says that ISKCON set up shop in NYC in 1966, and the guru type in the room was apparently the original guru who ran the whole ISKCON thing or at least in NYC. We can see that the operation isn't huge — just a little room with ~40