All of your answers are right there in my original post:
All of your answers are right there in my original post:
Here’s where I’m at on this one:
The Revelations games are good, huh? Been thinking about picking them up from Game Pass and giving them a go.
While your account of the story is mostly accurate, Nintendo did make a deal with Phillips before informing Sony that its terms were unacceptable. They even announced the deal at CES where Sony had just unveiled the SNES-compatible Play Station.
Nothing to worry about!
Am I the only one they tack on a complete RE3 remake as a bonus mode to play after completing the campaign? lol
And it was a technological marvel.
Comments on this thread in a nutshell:
Your sentiment is noble, but don’t forget that these developers and the company’s investors exist to make money. I’ll never understand why people don’t want their favorite developers to be as successful and make as much money as possible.
Jason X was hilarious. I know that solidifies your point, but damn if I didn’t choke-laugh when Jason swings a girl in a sleeping bag against a tree repeatedly.
Belligerent - not punishable by death
Ah yes. They call that move the “Sega Saturn”
13 months ago I landed in the hospital when my heart arrthymias suddenly became more than just a nuisance. That weekend I quit nicotine and caffeine cold turkey and I haven’t looked back.
The caption on the photo at the top is so fucking far beyond amazing.
16 year-old me was being politically shaped when 9/11 happened. I had respected Clinton even if most of his presidency was during a time when I definitely wasn’t watching news. George Bush seemed like a genuine person and I thought the conservative message (read: fiscally conservative) made a lot of sense. Then, the…
“I and my friend” is also okay, but weird.
Yeah for real. I saw a person rant on Facebook about how we shouldn’t body shame the president because of his FAKE FUCKING TAN.
You can’t be a drama queen if you’re only asking how you should have responded. A drama queen would have made a huge deal out of it at the restaurant.
See: Patrick Fabian on Better Call Saul
Without Googling, how many people do you think are in this caravan?