I understand what you meant. My knee-jerk reaction was “hey, Terminator 2 is the perfect action movie,” but then I thought about what your point was.
I understand what you meant. My knee-jerk reaction was “hey, Terminator 2 is the perfect action movie,” but then I thought about what your point was.
Would have been real weird when 80 year old Lando kissed Finn though. And it’d break the hearts of the Finn/Poe shippers.
You do realize that there’s a state called West Virginia, right? It’s not part of Virginia and there’s no Western Virginia University.
Therein lies the issue though, right?
Whoa... You shouldn’t post spoilers from the finale of Quantum Leap here.
100% agree. This entire season feels like it’s only half of a bigger story. Perhaps even a third. Although it does do a great job of standing on its own.
While I would love to own one, is it a Switch clone if it doesn’t play Switch games?
Oil patterns for league bowlers such as this guy are designed to aid the ball’s movement toward the pocket. This allows inebriated bowlers a decent chance at a strike when their shot is not 100% accurate. Sport shots require a high degree of skill and precision that no inebriated person would be able to successfully…
Those fan vents definitely aren’t new.
Nonsense! In 37 years of real time, the GOP will have alienated said brown people or, worse yet probable, gone to war with them in the name of freedom.
I think it’s more about the sarcastic novelty of it.
You realize that the very act you mention could be the government’s way of punishing these people, right?
In the Baths, we had 5 raid members 280+ and one who was 260. The 260 was just overwhelmed and in that encounter, there is basically zero room for someone to help out a weak link.
The free preview weekends (how few there were) were great times as a kid.
I can’t help but wonder if this is overreacting. The microtransaction item, Bright Engrams, is given to you every so many experience after you’re level 20.
If by “shit beer” you mean Yuengling then I could not agree more.
A friend and I dug this game out for X360 a few years ago and, sadly, it’s no longer playable online.
The most surprising thing to me is that bowling has never been an Olympic sport. I understand there are different types of bowling, but 10-pin bowling is fairly universal.
I said your name out loud and laughed... More than once.