
Well look at that, an indirect question about insulting someone directly, not much better than sarcasm. and I wouldn’t mind because I’m neither. 

Sarcasm: sad person that wants to be against you but have no actual arguments

I just hate that people needs to be represented on a game or anywhere, that takes so much out of what a writer o creator can and could do. We know a lot of this decision are market research and what’s “in” now.

Greeting, Starfighter!

Did the cameras got an image of 007 and 009 battling it out?

The MCU has kind of crapped on what makes Spider-Man excellent (namely his working class concerns and trying to be an adult while juggling superheroing) by transforming Spider-Man into a wish fulfillment power fantasy kiddie adventure for three films.

Look, we have pretty good models that are able to mathematically predict how long a secret or conspiracy can stay covered up based off of how many people and organizations know about it.

Have they not watched the documentaries?..?

You know, considering how awful and intrusive Kotaku’s ads are on mobile, I think it’s kind of hilarious to see you calling out what is fairly benign (albeit also still pretty crappy) compared to your own site’s ads, which are massive and page engulfing.

Nothing wrong with a black guy in fantasy, but there is something wrong with race swaps of established and clearly defined characters.

Yeah, I’m scratching my head about this, too. Developers were trying to craft a specific experience - that’s the whole point of them making a game. Fixing things not working as intended is just.... part of the whole thing.

Kinda miss the yellow belt.

That’s So Kraven

The wingsuit  doesn’t appear to be exclusively a Miles Ability. During the gameplay sequence over the water Peter also uses it

Are you sure you want to know?

Not being a swimsuit connoisseur, what does “tuck friendly” even mean?  Never heard of it, and now I’m wondering if this is a good thing.

How many billions and this still looks like an episode of Xena?  Completely forgot they were going to introduce the Seanchan... feels like this is going to go even more off the rails after the promising start of last season.  

Oh, I don’t even think his supporters (at least in politics and other influential positions, not the masses of mouth breathers) like him personally (I mean having met him personally in the 90's, I’ve met plagues I liked more than him).. he’s a means to an end for them and so they will support him because in their

Here at our local furniture store, we carry several lovely items of magnolia construction: Check out our beautiful chairs, tables, shelves and even a satellite ready for a convenient backyard launching!”