Insanity on both sides.
Insanity on both sides.
Wow, I forgot about them.
I mean, he’d have no shot at running as a Republican for a while, given how fucking insane that party’s become.
That was a nice gesture even if it only averages <$10 a member, but that’s enough for gas money so they can get to their 2nd jobs.
I would agree with you to the extent that we can’t process the kind oil we slurp out of ground. It would be nice to incentive companies to build the facilities to process it here, but that takes years and when the administration is talking about making oil a thing of the past, it doesn’t exactly incentivizes people…
With a name like The Marvels, you already know what you’re getting. I enjoy a girl kick butt movie as much as the next guy, but I still can’t get over changing Ms. Marvel’s powers (I know, which one? Lol, but all kidding aside). If that makes me a goon, oh well ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Gotta keep those gas prices high or else we might think the economy is getting better.
Honestly, maybe the WNBA should be where NBA players retire to. That way they can still dominate and not have to try so hard. #ItsFunToPlayPretend
Give this man a medal! He made people remember there was a WNBA for another news cycle.
WoT was already diverse and inclusive. I’m not sure why they had to change it up.
Strict laws to prevent the government from lying? Oh yes. Strict laws to prevent the government from...persuading businesses to censor truths that go against government lies? Oh yes.
Dat Freudian slip 😅
I’ll have to take your word for it and all parties are in the wrong and should be called out for it.
I get you. They are also in the wrong. I agree that not enough focus is placed on the men who perpetuate this as well. We got messed up families and a messed up society right now and we are heading towards the end of the slippery slope we’ve started on. God help us if we don’t med our ways.
There was a need for this decades ago, but the mere fact that colleges are finding ways around this decision tells you that it is no longer necessary.
So let me see if I am understanding this correctly? It’s racist for a young black man to write the word “black” on the tip line of a receipt after being served by young black woman?
It is a sad state of affairs when people act like this. It’s not about body shaming , but respectability. Society has taught woman not to respect themselves or their bodies. It is a lie to think this has anything to do with women empowerment. People need to stop getting sucked into the world’s culture.
We’re here now so that means everything should work out in the end ;)
The Great Barrier Reef seems to be doing fine...
Are we to really think it’s never been this hot before these average temperatures have been recorded?