Once a cheater, always a cheater, unless you let Jesus change what’s in your chest.
Once a cheater, always a cheater, unless you let Jesus change what’s in your chest.
Warms the cockles of my Nimmo’s heart it does.
Pretty much. It is amazing when people prefer to attack you instead of your ideas. That’s when you generally know that you’ve won the argument.
And where do they get that idea? Do you know how many people interact with cops every year and don’t die? Do you know how many black people interact with cops every year and don’t die? Do you know how many black men interact with cops every year and don’t die? No, you don’t because the media doesn’t tell you that, but…
My money is on policies that incentivizes fatherless homes, and an education system that keeps dumbing us down, but ain’t nobody trying to hear that.
Thanks Doc. Have a happy new year!
People will never be happy.
It’s a pet peeve of mine to be accused of things I didn’t do and I am sympathetic to those who are.
And yet if you or anyone else was in need of one to save your life...
You forgot all stuff that has been going on at schools. It’s not just people in churches abusing kids.
With all the stuff that came out during me too, at least they’ll be adults when exposed to that filth. Best just to say maybe it’s not worth it and skip it all together IMO.
How darest thou slandereth the nugs!
(I am not advocating for it either, fuck bigots)
By the grace of God I’m a successful black man married to a successful black woman coming from families with other successful black people. There are also others in our families who aren’t successful due to decisions that they made. That is a fact.
That system is dead. You can be whatever you want to be. You can do whatever you want to do. The only one who can stop you is you.