
Everyone knows Black Lives Matter was a scam. - Kanye West

You forgot she once retweeted a conservative.

To human is to error/save your bacon.

Looks like I misunderstood what Spitfire was saying. My apologies.

When you say fascism, are you talking about the classical definition or the new one?

That sounds reasonable.

Boot licker? Gross. It’s that the whole point of police wearing body cams these days so we can shed light on their misdeeds?

Welp, looks like I’m triggering alot of people today.

I understand why the police weren’t justified in charging her, but how is this not another “Karen” not minding her own business? All this commotion certainly wasn’t helping the situation. What if her distraction led them shooting the dude anyway?

Who’s that Pokeball?

As a black man I hate it when companies pander to me soley because of my race. That is racist and it will not stand. Not to mention this reeks of that Juneteenth ice cream Walmart thought would be a good idea this summer.



Sounds like those players need to get good.

I actually don’t eat there all that often. Maybe once every few months or so.

I’d blame the English language at that point.

When you look for offences, you’ll find them. I’ve seen it before. I’ve done it before.

Look, I’m a simple man. I like pretty dark-haired woman and breakfast food. To me it’s all the same thing. Case in point, my wife and I were talking about Serena Williams retiring and I mentioned that she quit. My wife kept insisting that she didn’t quit, she retired. To me retiring, resigning, quitting is the same

Not really. Now when banks refer to their branches as stores, that is awkward wording whether they sell stuff or not.