
Briefly.  Still in beta.

Idiot plans to sue city for allowing his dumb ass on their roads.

Ryan is obviously a flaming idiot.

Honestly, it continually amazes me that the person ultimately responsible for MAKING Teslas can be as stupid as he is and also be the world’s richest person

I used to think the same thing.

Look, I’m no fan of Tesla, but this is 100% this dingus’ fault. If I were him, I’d have kept from sharing that story with anyone except for the insurance company. Just embarrassing.

Fixed the headline for you

Did this dude willingly tell his story to news outlets? I would not be going public with this type of situation..... or does he actually think he’s the victim here?

Ryan tells the channel that he plans to sue Tesla and the city,

Passenger trains will now take a “panorama” detour to use SBB’s words.”

We were just in Zurich in May and now I want to go back just for the detour. Taking a Swiss train should be a bucket list item for everyone. They really are among the best in the world. (Great app, too!)

The detour will add between an hour to two hours to trips over the Alps

Who’s upset about a panoramic side-trip thru the Swiss Alps?   Sounds preferable, actually.

Passenger trains will now take a “panorama” detour to use SBB’s words. The detour will add between an hour to two hours to trips over the Alps and require most passengers to switch trains to complete their journey. Hopefully, the scenic route isn’t the only route for too long in 2024.

I’ve seen this same niwit complaint regularly since I started reading Jalopnik [mumble] years ago. If you want nothing but cheerleading pablum written to a fourth grade level you’ll find it somewhere else.

I loathe attached garages. Even though I live in a place that has five months of sub-zero temperatures (Alberta), I will choose my rear, detached garage any day of the week. Nothing migrates into the house. No dirt, no snow, no critters, no “I’m just going to keep this here in the garage” detritus. Garage stuff stays

I just hate these designs. They’re lazy and cheaply made to appeal to masses of people that just want ‘a house’. They’re easy to build en masse, and cheaply constructed.

I bought my house specifically because it’s in a neighborhood that accommodates many different designs so not all house are cookie cutter, and that

Ah, maintaining artificial class boundaries. Of course, gotta build in social status demarcations even if it costs little or nothing to not do so. I forgot to factor in the capitalism.

Either layout tends to be in neighborhoods with huge lots where it’s nearly impossible to walk anywhere.

In this case the house is basically completely behind the garage, longitudinally mounted. It looks pretty small, basically a double wide with a garage attached.