
Those are some pretty good tips there. Thanks! I'll keep those in mind if I ever get the chance to put down an epoxy floor, which I really want to do in my slippery garage. Someone thought that it would be a good idea to have a smooth finished concrete floor in the PNW where the floor is wet 9 months out of the year.

Pretty sure this guy should be wearing shoes, unless he likes cleaning epoxy off the soles of his feet.

You forgot Stef Schrader on that list.

Ok so it won't fit in your garage. Hell it probably wouldn't even fit in your house. BUT it would be epic fodder for articles galore about the maintence costs and how you had to sell your house to be able to afford to fix a single hydraulic switch and now you have to live in your Grosser. Though it wouldn't be so bad

Exactly. You have to consider the vapor profile of the wall that you are insulating. Putting sprayfoam in a wall that is highly vapor permeable (vapor open) will create a vapor barrier between the plaster and the sheathing/siding. This has the potential to let moisture condense against the sheathing since it is now

Yes, LED is the way to go. My Dad and I figured out that if he replaces all the bulbs in his office with LED it will cost him $500 in bulbs, but they will pay for themselves in about a year. So that will be $500 in his pocket every year after that. Pretty sweet deal.

It better be an H1 for the ultimate amount of complaining about how the mileage is measured in gallons per mile, not miles per gallon, and how the 85mph limit is not fast enough to travel in anything but the slow lane on the GSP or the Turnpike when you venture into Jersey. But then the benefit will be multiple

You suck! I did not know that before you said something. I just had to go and verify that and I found a '08 Spec.B for sale only 5 hours from me in excellent condition. He is asking $21k for it which seems a bit high to me, but I want it so bad now, I'd almost give up my beloved '02 WRX for it (mostly since I have a

That's why I got a Borla XR-1 for my WRX. It doesn't look like a fart can and it enhances the boxer rumble. I think it actually looks like the stock STI exhaust on the 04/05MY. See example below (not my car):

So there are a lot of WRXs around where I live and a good amount of them have some sort of exhaust. I think a large amount have fartcans, which is a shame as they all mostly look like shit, especially the angled ones. Some of them sound good, but most of them amplify the higher frequency tones in the exhaust which

"The (Audi) grille is strong with this one..."

There's a Chester, NJ so that is at least East of West Chester, OH....

Yea, I bought my wife a used Droid 4 as a stopgap between phones. She hated it. It was super slow and rebooted itself all the time. The problems with the Droid 4 are due to motorola bloatware and not top of the line hardware.

Thanks for the tip! $200 is a good deal for a thermal camera. I might have to check out buying one for my work as a Passive House Consultant.

Yea, I wouldn't bother with CPVC unless you are required to use it by your local building codes. The problem with CPVC is that it gets brittle as it ages, so it is much easier to break by accident when doing work on a 10 year old house. PEX will remain flexible and copper will last forever excluding the possibility of

Glad to hear you didn't actually sell the Ferarri to CarMax....cause you told me I could see it this week if you didn't sell it yet! I've been trying to get a hold of you in a panicked stalker kind of way (sorry bout that) but I messed up my email to you a week ago and somehow replied to myself, doh! I'm the guy with

I agree with you too. I lived in NJ for 24 years and most of my life I didn't even know that there was a speed limit in Manhattan. I barely recall ever seeing a speed limit sign in downtown. It was always just floor it from light to light or from traffic jam to traffic jam. Are they going to start enforcing people

When you're in the person to do some networking, you want to make your effort count. Doing a little intelligence gathering, and then using that intelligence properly, can help you make a lasting impression with the people you actually want to connect with.