
I am not a Five Nights guy but I do have a lot of a appreciation towards this trailer. Really creepy.

They look horrible...

Why do I feel like singing “Naaaaa... Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na”

I feel like sometime in the future they’ll make a time travelling bundle and call it The complete call of duty bundlewarfare.

They basically wanted to deal with it mano a mano, and a third party asshole just jumped in.

This is wonderful and this guy should be a voice actor.

I watched the video and I imagined Brock Samson playing this game...

Gotta craft ‘em all!

I am afraid this will be awful. I mean, I loved Lego movie but keeping on with this shtick might just kill it.

Just played through it, it was... disappointing, to say the least.

>Reading an article with a script.

The concept sound wonderful, but once I heard “Pillars of Eternity” I got turned off. I really wanted to like that game but it just wasn’t interesting enough for me and I found myself bored after one hour of gameplay, I mean, I was expecting something closer to Divinity Original Sin but it simply didn’t deliver.

I went to the Digital Homicide site and was greeted with this charming view. At first I thought someone hacked the site, but apparently this is one of the wonderful games “Made With Love”.

Doom RPG sounds great to me, if there weren’t a thousand of intimidating menus I would have wanted to try it out. In any case, as people said before, Doom is a murderfest, which is why a gore mod seems more likely for it, and while, yeah, this mod should deserve more attention, Brutal Doom got it’s deserved attention

In my humble opinion those look amazing.

Shoot the hinges.