
As the 404 mentions below, truck was loaded, but yeah, not a real world situation per se. I also liked the moment when the car accelerated ever so slightly just when the impact was about to happen. All this aside, all trucks should employ this tech, the sooner the better.

Almost defying the physics, but maybe it's just because we rarely see these trucks apply full brakes, so you're not actually aware of their stopping power. Thanks for posting this video, always amazing to watch.

Exactly that.

It's the era I believe. I'd be afraid to get anywhere near it, let alone walk in front of it. Pretty sure she would start popping the dents on the fender, new paint replacing the rusty bits...

I bet its odometer runs backwards.

I see "Bugs Bunny sawing Florida away" gif is not needed here.

Let me fix it for them. Mansorry. There.

A local priest in my superlittle town drives Golf Plus mk5. Target audience = bullseye. Even though he travels alone and sans any luggage (mostly from wherever he lives to whatever priests do around the town and surrounding villages).

No, no I don't. I forgot to add mandatory /s at the end of my post. I'm just reflecting of what world's media is drooling about in last few days. Loads of weapons footage, in-depth analysis of each system, almost making weapons look sexy and good-to-use once in a while. I despise the military industry, I despise the

My point exactly, I'm sorry I didn't make it more clear.

Beautiful weaponry. Almost feels too bad not to use it. Like a nice, capable sports car. It has to be driven. So I say do it, go to war, for the sake of all this lovely equipment. And if something gets broken or damaged, I am sure there are people ready to build more beautiful tanks, sexy subs and missiles.

Fair enough on the warning, and I don't intend to watch it, but why would you even show something like this. It's for authorities to analyse and that should be it. I understand death has a certain appeal for some people, but they are usually served by liveleak quite nicely.

With no belts, the nicely padded roll cage is mandatory. So the kart lands on you softly when you roll and drop out of it.

Drive aggressively in normal traffic = douche, whether it's him or you, basically.

The amount of WTF that went through that guy's head must be WTF insane.

It looks like he was lucky that the first stream of water, dirt and rocks pushed his car out of the way of the big thing. And how the big boulder slid a bit before rolling back to halt is haunting. It behaves like a pebble. Huge, but pebble.

So insensitive. Isn't one break enough, I mean, his car just broke in half, more or less.

School bus. :(

My thoughts exactly. Only problem is, that mountain is everywhere! Where should he run? Probably in the opposite direction of it.

Interior looks like it did way more than couple hundred miles. CP and possibly even shady past?