That was a passable youtube video.
That was a passable youtube video.
Im not ready. I have a lot of things I’d still like to do in this one life that I am lucky enough to have.
Baby. Bath water.
I like kiffin.
Oh Marvin is going to be pissed.
20/20 That is my thinking. It was mentioned. Not enough people listened.
Well fuck.
Hes the least racist person that he knows.
I love kanye so much. His music is amazing. However, he has gotten to the point, where I really don’t want to talk about him or even bring him up in conversation. Oh well.
I love the band and the dollies.
This assumes that Trump is intelligent. And not some inbred face melting looking motherfucker. With small fucking hands.
I still love her.
You’re part of the reason she lost.
I voted for her.
But he’s not. He was maybe trying to say it, but he was able to because of his fucked up face.
Captain Deadpool
I read that as small farm.... then I went down that path and it got weird.
Only if you have red hair.
Maybe Deadpool will be in the after credits scene deal.
I got hassled as fuck trying to purchase that for my lady friend back in the day. Had to drive to like 3 different pharmacies.