
So desperate. You wrote “perfectly legal,” own it and move on.

I imagine the producers have gotten in the habit of ending their emails: “P.S. Don’t worry, it will make a killing overseas.”

You misread. The answer to “what better way?” is, depict the event you are commemorating...not to create a new invasion-porn video. For example, the 1945 Battle of West Hunan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of… If China wasn’t trying to be deliberately provocative, that would have been an easy option. So, that

What better way...oh, I dunno, how about a video representing the...actual...battle...from...70...years...ago. Fuck man. Dumb question.

Yeah, feels like this is best described as filling some sort of EOW quota before a busy weekend.

Coaches are manipulative, and often jerks. That’s the job.

Believing in nothing is a pre-existing condition.

It is a heavily restricted, non-cash, company-store marketplace, created by a system that functionally gives one organization a monopoly on a product that is wildly profitable at many institutions (even the ones who bury other costs under their blue-chip programs and claim they are losing money.

Furious desperation is the Texas way.


Yep, when Chicago installed red light cameras there was an explosion of rear-enders due to the first car SLAMMING on the breaks when they saw the light turn yellow. I rear ended someone (albeit in slick conditions) and the police reported it as not being my fault—pretty fortuitous. Not fortuitous: It killed my Legacy

By playing to base fears, and using it as a wedge issue...self-preservation over actual problem solving is one of their current default settings.

Nonono, shouldn’t have taken the bait people. I call straight up trolling...or, not worth trying to reason with. A proper homage to the BMW owner. Keep moving, this worm has a hook in it.

Nonono, shouldn’t have taken the bait people. I call straight up trolling...or, not worth trying to reason with. A proper homage to the BMW owner. Keep moving, this worm has a hook in it.

Outside the rules, but I’d still like to submit the following:

I’d say it hedges what we know about Stonehenge, resets everything we know about resets, and changes what we already know about changing. And this is before we even start the discussion about the true significance of these countless stone dicks strewn pell mell across the countryside.

Yep, Wikipedia has the first album title listed as:

Are you the ghost of Al Davis?

Say it ain’t so Santa!

Triple nopse. That Viking ship has sailinged.