Oh Ansel & Gretelgort (his new DJ name), shut up.
Oh Ansel & Gretelgort (his new DJ name), shut up.
Thanks, I wasn’t sure if they’d still go for that price point. I’ll be sure to give Ebay a shot!
Thanks, I wasn’t sure if they’d still go for that price point. I’ll be sure to give Ebay a shot!
I’ve got an Xbox One. Gamestop is offering $100 towards a PS4 with a 360 trade-in. Should I take that bait and trade my 250 GB 360 w/kinect (never used lol) in towards that or would I be better off selling on my own and pocketing cash?
I’ve got an Xbox One. Gamestop is offering $100 towards a PS4 with a 360 trade-in. Should I take that bait and trade…
Came here to say the exact same thing!
Also, you could pick everything on this page up at the Goodwill for $5. TOTAL.
Looks more like the 90’s trying to be the 70’s. Either way it’s hideous.
Surely, in Texas of all places, there was at least one good guy with a gun that could’ve stopped this assault before it occurred?
Can we all agree that Ryan Reynolds twitter handle is managed by comedy writers hired by Marvel to ensure his comeback happens flawlessly and Deadpool does not flop? They’re very much in his tone, but he is not writing this stuff. His social media presence came out of nowhere once he had a franchise to launch again.
Yes. YES. yes. YESSS. More interviews like these. And also if they could all be JoJo, that would be great. Thanks!
2 words, but still 1 thing. I'll allow it.
You've been hit by, you've been struck by a white criminal.
I’d be pretty proud of myself if I’d managed to orchestrate the most insane business on the planet.
Ryan Reynolds allegedly pays comedy writers for his sudden appearance on social media that has taken everyone by storm.
Maybe I’ll pick it up on Prime for $50 then. Sounds like a good deal.
Thank you :)
Thanks for clarifying that up! I thought there was no way they would include the base game at the $60 price point if the expansion was meant to be $40, but that’s great to hear. Will definitely look into it now!
Does it require the original to play? I’m very confused by the way they’re marketing it and by the pricing structure with the deluxe and legendary editions.
I have Prison Architect on PC (haven’t played yet). Is this an expansion coming? Or the official release?
After a few listens through the album, the one-two punch of Gimmie Love and Boy Problems are my current repeats. SO GOOD.