
What negatives does Bernie have?

Oh, no doubt Stacey Abrams will be on the ticket even though she messed up by not running for the top spot.

Why does everyone in the Gizmodoverse hate Bernie? Do people still believe he is at fault for Hillary losing? Old white male cisgender hate? Is it a Jewish hate thing? He’s second place among polled black voters, yet to read the comments here you’d think he was an alt-right icon or something.

agreed, I’d be fine with either one for president so long as the other is their vice. It would be a smart move for one of them to drop out prior to the first primary to give them a stronger push against Biden.

I’m definitely for a Bernie/Warren ticket.

Please check those stats while you’re criticizing my view....

There are some minorities who have been duped into blaming 2016 on Sanders. The MSM has made it clear that it’s his fault, with some outlets even around here, who put out hit job after misinformation that Sanders is A. Racist, B. A liberal fantasy, C. A spoiler, D. All of the above., and that his supporters are all

As a poc and a person who supported Sanders (and still like him), this analysis you lay out misses some pretty crucial points

More Bernie voters voted for Hillary than Hillary voters for Obama. Should he have just not campaigned?

Black and brown voters were the two demographic groups that declined in participation in 2016.

The Bernie entry is shameful, bad-faith editorializing but it’s to be expected.

Is anyone actually falling for this? The Root moves candidates around in the rankings to create the appearance that there’s a process, but we all know that they’re going to put a black candidate in the #1 spot in the end. Most likely Kamala, possibly Booker.

Bernie’s appearance on Joe Rogan generated 6.1 million viewers. Rogan is a regular guy, not a modish pseudo-intellectual or neoliberal media pundit. Harping on Trump’s racism or the putative new scourge of our time - white nationalist/supremacy is counter-productive. If Kamala Harris, a craven racist who oppressed

Wait a sec, Colonel West was just on the Joe Rogan show a few weeks back.... does this mean I have to angry at Brother West too? While I don’t care for Rogan, he interviews everybody, his interview was actually really good, in fact it was miles better then any of debate coverage so far....and it’s still like number 2