
I was about to ask if I should know who this guy is but then I saw your post. Now I'm like, "Oh *eyeroll* that guy." Ugh. Eagletonians, amiright?

Respectfully disagree. Having admittedly never seen him outside of Parks & Rec, I do like his infrequent appearances there. Just enough spazzing out to be bearable.

Not to be that guy, but Des Moines is in Iowa, yo.

Well, at least they don't have to worry about kustody of khildren.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

I mean, sure it's cute and all, and granted I'm not a parent... but seriously, you didn't want to wipe the snot off her face before capturing this moment? Really?

They are often the biggest sinners of them all. They live with the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance by shutting their minds off.

I just kinda find this disturbing.

Plot Twist: they are actually conjoined and are stuck like that.

Stars and heavens thanked. This guy is so retrograde I'm surprised he dresses in suits and not like something out of a revolutionary war reenactment troupe's closet.

Ignoring just makes them scream louder for a while, because they don't get why you're not responding to their emotions. Rational discussions also fail in this way. They think you're a robot. The emotional part of their brain is all fired up without any restraints—it's almost identical to how teenagers "overreact"

But Christ...exactly. I'm not religious, but my understanding of Jesus Christ is that he wouldn't have judged you or blamed you. I'm sorry your parents are warped in their ability to hear you and support you and not make you feel blame. But there's a whole world out here that negates what they think. We know that What