
I'm also starting to think that's why Era 2 Gems tend to be smaller, if that's the resource that Homeworld is lacking, after losing Pink and White shutting herself up "in her own head".

Same here, it’s a shame we’ll never see anything come of the Zuul tease.

And Steven's tear made a Pebble. Now I'm thinking that those Kindergarten drills are maybe full of Diamond secretions.

I hope you are right about Shazam. I didn’t read DC growing up, I was and still am a Marvel partisan, but i don’t want the franchise to fail.

Well the entire point of Bismuth is to build gem temples.

I liked the bit where Steven wonders about when Diamonds have time off, because it sort of gets a bit towards the idea that the Diamonds in their own way are also trapped in a role, since it sort of implies that they don’t have time off, as both the “sauna” and “bath” seem to have had functions (they both seem to have

When I first saw that Pearl, I immediately assumed White had broken her in a fit of rage or as punishment. Once we meet White though her distant and aloof persona didn’t really gel with that, so now I’m not too sure. It’s got to be something dark, and I’m guessing White is the first gem, which would likely mean her

Yeah that’s some body horror shit that’s really unsettling for me. I guess homeworld structures are grown rather than built much like the gems themselves? 

When Steven realised that the Diamonds were treating him the way the Crystal Gems were treating him in season one, my mind went straight to his failed mission at the Lunar Sea Spire. Was the Moonstone Gem’s body that temple, and did Pearl want to lock her back into that form?

Just thinking about how fucked up and traumatized Lapis was by being an object... and it turns out there are way more situations like that, on Homeworld and possibly Earth and the other colonies? That’s very casually horrific.

Eric’s got a good point about Steven being perhaps too ready to play nice with the Diamonds after all the horrible things they’ve done. But it’s understandable given that he’s still absorbing the shock of being treated like a Diamond himself, and he’s still processing the fact that his mom was a Diamond (albeit one

I’m a little concerned that between “Familiar”, Steven taking his mom’s old uniform, and him planning a party to get everyone together, he might actually start to lose himself in being Pink Diamond. After the first Yellow Pearl scene, he totally gives up on trying to correct anyone on who he is, which is a change from

So are the gem temples… alive? 

First of all, I love the Diamonds’ family dynamic. It seems like the right time of year to introduce complicated, slightly unsettling family crap.

And “our” Pearl has yellow, pink, blue and white tones, in contrast to all the others...

So, does anyone know if we’re almost at the end of the show? The Pink reveal, figuring out a way to fix corrupted Gems, really seeing and visiting Homeworld, and finally meeting White Diamond all REALLY feel like end of series stuff.

In fact, her gem placement matches Pink's and Pearl's matches White's.

putting my theory hat back on, I think we can all agree that something happened to white pearl right? she did not pop out of the ground with that giant crack. she’s also the only pearl that doesn’t have matching gem placement with her diamond. sus.

Parks & Recreation is one of the few sitcoms - hell, maybe one of the few TV shows, period - that actively encouraged viewers to be better people. And it didn’t do so by demonstrating how easy it is for most fundamentally good people to still behave poorly or make bad decisions in the moment. I loved how none of the

On a side note, I am rewatching Parks & Recreation, and am yet again gobsmacked by how funny it is (I am still in the early goings; season 3). I also have been relistening to the Comedy Bang Bang best-of episodes, which reoriented me to the brilliance of the late, great Harris Wittels, whose singular comic voice keeps