
He was nowhere near the player he was in LA. Beltre has always been good—he definitely wasn’t terrible in Seattle—but a ‘Home Run King’, he was not.

Jay Cutler finally has some competition in the ‘Most Punchable Face’ category

I arrived for the last seasons of Griffey, Randy Johnson, A-Rod, and Joey Cora. I watched Jay Buhner, Dan Wilson and Edgar Martinez ride off into the sunset..while the sun rose on Ichiro, John Olerude, Brett Boone, and Mike Cameron. It hurts to even think about how much talent we have traded away, only to watch them

I’ve been living in the Seattle area since ‘98, and have watched the M’s struggle for the last 15 years. Time and again, I’ve watched greatness come to Seattle, be utterly disappointing, and go to success somewhere else. It’s nice to see a Yankees and Rangers trade actually benefit the Mariners, for once.

All we need now is for Prescott to rock a yellow-orange visor

I read all five books in ASOIAF, and I’m a big fan. I can’t say the same for the show, myself. There are some things about it that I really like: I appreciate the gorgeous graphics and that they paid attention to so many little details, just like GRRM. I was so happy the first time I saw all the major landmarks and

Martin foreshadows like a motherfucker.

The first time I heard his name, this was immediately what came to mind! Actually, it was Luke yelling his name and realizing he was dead...

Methinks someone is compensating for something...

Right, got it now. I thought you meant his impending sentence, but then again let’s be real, he’s not going to jail.

How else are you going to remember that the NFL is America and America is the NFL?

Awww bummer...he would have gotten along SO WELL with Riley Cooper...

Ooh good point. Correction: By this time next year, Bieber and Manziel will be sharing a jail cell together, looking back on both of their shattered careers.

Thing is, I really liked Russell at first, too! Now I cringe/doze off every time he gives an interview...he has begun to remind me of that insufferable twat, Tim Tebow. The only thing that separates him from Tebow—besides actual talent—is that he doesn’t bow down in prayer every time he does something required of the

If he was still in Florida, his Gators would have given him a two-handed high-five.

If there is a God in Heaven, by this time next year Justin Bieber will be sitting next to Johnny Manziel in that same Columbus bar, looking back on his own shattered career...

Welp, THAT vacancy was filled fast:

*Quarterbacks That Should Hike Their Own Nuts:*
1. Tom Brady
2. -Peyton Manning- Jared Goff
3. -Brett Favre- Jameis Winston
4. Ben Roethlisberger
5. Colin Kaepernick—if I see one more goddamn picture of him doing something stupid with his shirt off, I will personally fund a ‘bounty’ on

Or you could simply observe the 50+ cars that I’ve seen in the Seattle area covered in Seahawks crap.

Don’t forget that TV and video games glorify the shit out of shooting people. If it’s all you’re watching on the screen, which we all know is highly influential, chances are you’re not going to be as hesitant about pulling the trigger if you’ve seen it or pretended doing it a thousand times already.

Wow...I mean, I guess I can see where the Sheriff is coming from (sort of) because it sounds like they are in a rural area, where help may take more than two or three minutes to arrive, and having a gun will at least force a would-be killer to proceed with caution. I can’t imagine that an inner-city cop would give the