Mistakes were made

Keep your head up. I know that transition can be scary. I’m back in New England now but I moved from here to Wyoming for 4 years. So I’ve experienced similar culture shock. Not to mention going from a predominantly liberal state to an ultra-conservative state.

Civilization 6. Now and at the hour of my death. Amen.

So basically you’re a fraud. At least, I think that’s the scientific term.

I sometimes fantasize about walking around the neighborhood setting all of the Trump signs on fire then peeing on them as not to damage additional property. I’m not a monster. 

Has anyone around these parts played this? If I don’t like LoL or Dota will I automatically hate this? How is it different?

You could say this about every console exclusive. Why not just put everything on PC and abandon consoles completely? There’s obviously a market for it, that’s why.

On, November 9th Brexit will still look worse. As a country we’re going to make the right choice.

He does? Hmm, I always thought he lived in Brookline during the season and Northern CA or LA during the off-season.


I think those two got divorced. Haven’t you seen the news?

Think about the narcotics you can get your hands on if you’re hanging with Irsay though.

Just cut the things I don’t use. Duh.

I don’t think “you’re acting like your mother” has ever been uttered in a context in which it could be considered a compliment.


Something tells me Trump would take the Voldemort comparison as a compliment.

Learn all you want about football and Kap. Just don’t become a fan of the 49ers. It involves much suffering.

I don’t get why they don’t just let people xmog the gun into a bow. Windwalker Monks have been begging to be allowed to xmog their fists into swords, axes, etc. Woo, cool artifact weapons that are hidden most of the time!

I missed the deal on Civ 6 but they have a nice deal going right now with money off another game if you buy Civ 6. Planned on buying Dishonored 2 anyways and it only cost $37 with the deal.

Performance enhancing stimulants? No way Clinton’s going to have the votes to get into the hall of fame now.

Well it’s nice to know that you’re just as much of a condescending piece of shit as this one particular flight attendant. You should go fuck yourself.