Mistakes were made

I’d say I get about 4 out of it. It does switch between the 960m and the Intel onboard video card depending on what you’re doing. Saves a little battery when you’re just watching netflix or browsing the web. I also own a 1 lb power bank that doubles it’s life to 8 if I need it for a long flight or something.

Forgot about SF 5. Not a fighting game fan myself. Other than that only The Last Guardian has a solid release date (June, 10 months out). The rest are the more nebulous “2016.” Hell all the games you listed aren’t even exclusive. DQ 11 comes out on 3DS and NX. Also, I didn’t list a game like Hellblade for the same

I’m not sure what a video of Crackdown has to do with Quantum Break. Crackdown 3 actually looks really interesting to me. I’ve owned a Sony console since Ps1 but I don’t think it’s crazy to say that XBox has a stronger exclusive line up in the immediate future. Sony has UC4 for the spring and nothing for the fall (I

I’m more of a PS4 person myself. But I don’t think anyone was using Quantum Break to justify their console purchase. People got an Xbox because their friends were there (and/or had a lot committed to the Xbox Live ecosystem) and their other exclusives like Halo 5, Gears, getting Tomb Raider a year early, etc. I

I’d go the other way on this one. If he forgot to breathe it might be the best outcome for the rest of us.

If you think the quality of the run-of-the-mill huffpo article is on par with the quality of this article I question your ability to read and comprehend words.

I don’t think you know the definition of click bait. The headline wasn’t a misnomer. His story absolutely delivers on the headline.

This is what I did to overcome side quest paralysis. It can help you too :) Find your lowest level side quest. Complete that side quest. Find your next lowest level side quest. Complete that side quest. Tired of side quests? Advanced the story some.

From what I remember they helped him out quite a bit during his last alcohol related suspension. Didn’t they allow him to go to rehab while still paying him? They could have easily let the NFL suspend him and been off the hook for his salary.

I have the newer version. I like it. The biggest problem is the battery life. Speakers are Bangs & Olufsen now and I like them well enough. I use my headphones 80% of the time when using the laptop though. I’m also more of a console gamer. While it can certainly handle the AAA releases like Witcher 3 I use it more for

Calm down, he just said he doesn’t understand it. You reacted like he called him the anti-christ.

I know balance makes it very difficult but I wish they’d release more than one class when they do an expac. It’d be more fun to see the variety instead of the inevitable flood of Demon Hunters.

Oh, it definitely is growing. Fiction that is considered “Christian anything” is becoming more and more popular. Part of my librarian duties is acquisitions and I had a woman ask me to purchase a title that she described as a “Christian murder mystery.” I had to stop myself from saying what the hell does that even

I work at a library and we set up a station so people could do this for free. We let people digitize to DVD, external hard drive, upload to Youtube, etc. The time investment it took probably made it worth it to pay but people loved using it.

Soon Nolan North and Troy Baker will player every character in every game.

I already have an XOne but the RPGs are what I’m waiting for as well. I don’t get why the highest vote getters are things like Black Ops II. All of those people are just going to buy the latest CoD and play that online this fall anyways.

Come on guys. It was just so they could find out when we would finally get an FFVII remake.

Hmm, I only got 2 for eating a pickle.

Also known as the second worst place on earth. To Yahoo comments of course.

Glad to hear the ending was good. Maybe I’ll pick it back up. I got pretty far into the game but then got caught up in Witcher 3 and Batman and didn’t have the motivation to go back.