Deadspin is not representative of what I'm talking about. Look at team related blogs. Look at ESPN (and they aren't even anonymous) or Yahoo sports. It's horrific.
Deadspin is not representative of what I'm talking about. Look at team related blogs. Look at ESPN (and they aren't even anonymous) or Yahoo sports. It's horrific.
Can I call you when a sports fan beats a father near death or stabs someone in a parking lot? Check your phone, it's ringing.
I do too and we're not nearly as bad. I'm a big sports fan myself. My biggest passion aside from gaming. Deadspin aside, they are much worse. People literally stab and beat each other in a parking lot never mind internet threats.
I invite you to visit a sports blog or message board.
You know what else is major content? The entire game. The one in which X1 players get to play at the same time as Ps4 players. Unlike say, Tomb Raider.
Vick comes across as a whipped dog in these comments.
What ridiculous logic. Yes, please give us less for our money! That way I can put my focus squarely on criticizing one aspect of the game instead of enjoying another!
No one has 100 actual friends. If you met them all individually you couldn't even hang out with all of them 4 times in a single year. I tend to think of actual friends as people I talk to/meet up with more than quarterly.
72% of the US population is white. 12% of the US population is black. No one stopped to think that just maybe this has something to do with the disparity in friends of the other race?
Yeah RI, pirating "The Forest" WTF is that now?
Providence does have a growing Latino population though. I'm sure they will be hopping on Amazon soon to buy their MRAP.
We still can't shake that reputation (I'm a male and get blank stares when I tell people what I do). If I have to see another news article about "new & edgy librarians" because they have tattoos and piercings I'm going to lose it.
As a librarian I love when school boards (or any other governmental body) tries to do this. We stand on our heads trying to get non-readers to read. "Ban" a book? Everyone wants to read it now.
No because you can't trade in this god damn game.
I agree. I have a friend who is obsessed. He's like 600 paragon level. I got to 100 but I just couldn't do it anymore. If there was legitimate pvp I could see myself sticking around. There is at least some incentive to grind the levels and gear (perform better in pvp).
Shut the fuck up. What is it to you if they add an NPC into the game?
Opinions, right?
To be fair the NBA offseason in June and the first half of July was a lot more exciting this year.
Now that I can play Vita games on Playstation TV this fall there really is no reason to own it. When I travel for work I have my Surface Pro 3 for productivity which is more than capable of scratching my mobile gaming itch.
If that's the route you'd like to go then here:… posted one hour before the story about the white one.