This is why we need to change the name of the Mile High Club. I live in the Rocky Mountain region. Whenever we have sex here it fits that description.
This is why we need to change the name of the Mile High Club. I live in the Rocky Mountain region. Whenever we have sex here it fits that description.
My favorite is the guys with last names like "Lopez" and "Perez" calling someone a beaner or using the term "little ass illegal Mexican"...
You mean a team that has won three national championships and a combined 17 divisional/SEC championships is more popular than a team that has 1 Super Bowl and a history of ineptitude prior to that? I'm totally shocked.
No one is going to shove the pill down your throat. Do you have the same trepidation about Viagra? It's exactly the same concept. Lack of desire, when you love your mate, is still sexual dysfunction. Just because you don't have a penis that can be considered "broken" doesn't change this fact.
This isn't at all the same. Van Gundy was actually a good coach and Dwight is a whiner. Vinny just sucks.
"Vinny Del Negro, despite being the winningest coach in Clippers history"
You're failing at reading comprehension and didn't read any of my follow up comments or the follow ups of the person I responded too. Go away.
I don't get how this hardcore guild got burnt out? Shouldn't this be down time for them? Heroic Lei Shen world first was completed on March 25th. Sure, that's world first but if you're really "hardcore" shouldn't you have no current content to progress in right now?
I'm happy with the nine hours (three nights @ three hours) of raiding. It seems like the perfect balance to me. I used to be in a hardcore top guild in Vanilla during MC, BWL, AQ 40, and Naxx 40 but I just couldn't do that anymore. I remember raiding 6+ hours a night.
This has always been my problem with the p90x or insanity workouts. It requires too much jumping for a third floor apartment dweller.
They care about college sports on a whole different level. I still attribute it partly to a lack of a professional team. If Alabama had an NFL power house I think things would be different. I don't think anyone can accuse Red Sox and Bruins fans of lacking passion. I also didn't say anything about obsessed college…
Thank you grammar Nazi. You keep making the world a better place.
They are great schools but I wouldn't call them "elite" in the vein of Harvard, Yale, Brown, MIT, Amherst College, etc.
I guess we just hang out in different circles than. My experience living in Mass. is southern Mass. which may be the difference. RI and Conn. don't have local professional sports teams. URI basketball (and to some extent PC because they were in the Big East) and UConn. basketball are essentially their professional…
Do you really need a chart for that? I'll save you the research, the answer is: most of them.
"In New England, the elite have not, historically cared much about their public universities, so people don't identify as much with the state schools, and the football and basketball teams don't draw fans from across their state."
If we're talking base pay than RI's highest paid employee is Dave Dooley the president at URI. Hurley (the basketball coach) only beats him out with incentives.
I put "religious zealots" not Ricky-Inferno in my post. Are you outing yourself as a religious zealot?
It's hard to have serious evidence-based discussions with people that believe in a supernatural being who knows all, virgin birth, turning water into wine, etc etc.
Mike & Mike is the only good programming (that isn't a live sporting event) left on ESPN. SVP & Russillo are good radio and I wish they would take Cowherd's radio show off TV in favor of them.