but will you get the really good google porn?
but will you get the really good google porn?
@cc: compared to that they have cum a long way
I can't wait for the true user reviews that's when it really counts. Does it and will it work for the average user. Does the average user want this kind of gear?
the only people that are making this racial are the fucking extremist and the bastards that can't keep their shit to them self and have to push that crap on to every one else. children don't know racism and don't care they will just want some one to play with.
every day TV channels are not be broad cast in 3D so how much 3D will a person watch before they say fucket and loose the glasses. will my COD game play in 3D probably no but that would be awesome!!
what else is new? and no matter what you do or say nothing changes even when the people of the city and state say its wrong. they abuse the power. all of them one way or another. it all depends on what they need at the time. that why when a cop has an accident it's call mechanical failure and not their fault at all…
@Hal: No what I am saying is that we the people are loosing more rights every day. the government was not meant to be ran by the rich and wealthy. It was supposed to ran together. the rich and the poor together. No special treatments for medical, laundry cleaning, their own chiefs, over priced flatware and that is…
@rxe7en: i am so jelouse!! you have to put them together and make recording
the kid looks like a dork! Just wait when his balls drop his voice will change and then the autotune really get a workout. that name even makes me cringe. when i first heard her name i thought the person said "beaver" which was better and funnier
@rxe7en: i bet you had the trailer for it too
the problem is that they were able to pass laws with out our input govment control is starting to show its self more every year soon we wont be able to say anything about them with out getting arrested
@rxe7en: lucky bastard!!!!! :p
i wonder if they would pay me to drink sodas and piss in a tank? what a cool job that would be they want stronger pee just hold it longer and dont drink as much. YO call me show me the money! pissen money in the bank
the owner of the company is a real dick we both live in W.Richland. Both him and his wife are so stuck on hem selves and how much money they have. He does have a nice house
@HeroOfTomorrow-the Untied States: thanks!!!! :p
silver surfer poop!!
in the bathroom great place for a piece of shit!!!!
i have a question if the company is based and founded in "Quarry Bay, Hong Kong" what good does sending a cease and desist letter do if they are in a completely different "FUCKING" country!! "THAT HAVE DIFFERENT FUCK LAWS" like being able to put out high end equipment useing child labor because they are the only…
@dtptampa: fuckem all the bastards
@dtptampa: its all big brother screwing us al over and over