Woof LikeABear

Only cost him his knee. Hey, Junior Seau got paid good money to have his brains beat out of him.

Can we unionize them?

Or that we require the enforcement of labor laws so people are paid just wages. Tipping is a hugely problematic system that does not improve worker treatment. Every evaluation of tipping indicates it’s racist and sexist as hell for workers and encourages racist and sexist treatment of customers.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

to be quite frank, if I’m going by the actions of their followers, Satan seems like a way cooler guy than Jesus.

“Forgive me please, but that’s what you get when you play with people’s emotions.”

we do cadavers 1st yr med school, the bananas and pig skin are to practice suturing during surgery clerkship.

I don't know why anyone would be obligated to do anything in the bedroom. Penises of the world, no one owes you a blow job, no matter how swell you think you are.

No, dumbfuck. This country was founded on the idea that a governmental body heavily intwined with a preferred religion wouldn't impose one belief system over another.


Yep, the irony to this, is that UO will essentially be sued by all sides now. It'll be sued by the rape victim, this employee for wrongful termination, and probably the government for Title IX violations

Sometimes it's worth paying more on Amazon just so I don't have to walk into a WalMart! I mean seriously, I might pay twice as much to not walk into one.

Burt's Bees has been my go to. There is one part of my lip that cracks and breaks during dry or really cold weather. The crack looks like I've been punch in the lip (and it does bleed if it gets too dry). Started using Burt's and haven't had it happen for an entire year.

Burt's Bees has been my go to. There is one part of my lip that cracks and breaks during dry or really cold weather.

I actually find the rolling method takes longer and is a bit more of a PITA than simply making four (or maybe five, depending on the squareness of your bell pepper) straight vertical cuts, each taking off one of the sides. I can do this a lot faster than trying to manage one long cut. But it does mean that when I'm

Came here to say this! There is no need for silly kitchen gadgets or water bottle tricks. All you need are the two halves of the shell and gravity.

Depends how long it takes to go through a package. I keep one stick out of the refrigerator at a time. But it simply keeps longer in the refrigerator.

Seems like a mature and logical response to the shit she's been putting up with for the past few months. It's a shame it's come to this, but it's her call to make and I'm sure the whole Jace Connors incident didn't help her feel safe being out in public at the moment.

There will never be a post about notorious RBG where this picture is not appropriate.

I think of most MRAs etc as Ferengi actually....