Don’t be silly, he’ll be forced into arbitration instead.
Don’t be silly, he’ll be forced into arbitration instead.
Mikrotik hAP AC Routerboard: rock solid, never needs rebooting for connection issues, regular security/firmware updates from manufacturer, can centrally provision APs all over your home. Also comes with Gig ports with no bandwidth loss for routing over those ports like the Ubiquiti equivalent, PoE for powering APs and…
Mikrotik hAP AC Routerboard: rock solid, never needs rebooting for connection issues, regular security/firmware…
This is why I voted for him - also he wasn’t afraid to call out Kissinger. Hillary can go fap Kissinger with all the time she’s got on her hands right now.
Hillary II!
Playbook is to DC what Gartner is to everyone who works in IT.
Idk. Testing
Soap sucks at getting sudsy on a bath sponge or washrag. Bodywash is where its at.
Came over to laugh at a nazi and stayed for the bourbon discussion. Thanks!
Sesame oil is wasted on marinade. Use regular vegetable oil for marinading and drizzle the sesame oil on it after it’s been cooked.
You should be getting yourself into a good place for *you*. Not for some partner who’s supposed to appear and be the last piece of that jigsaw puzzle. I have so many friends who are quite happy being single with hook ups on the side or jumping into throuples to actively avoid the one-on-one relationship. People just…
Any pizza with crust that puffy has already failed.
Yes. Context, how does it work - maybe lifehacker can do a writeup on it that won’t go over your head.
How not to look like a Nazi..
Judging by the Mary Decker ruling, the ratio is still what matters for women. Thus women need to both meet the ratio limit and now, also an arbitrary limit beyond what is imposed on men which is the gist of the discriminatory nature of the rule.
But they are not using a ratio but an absolute figure for women in this case.
There should be T level limits for men as well so hyperandrogenic men don’t have an unfair advantage. Otherwise it’s just targeting women unfairly.
Then you shouldn’t bother with pants.
I’m probably older than you by a decade or more and eating in a store was just not done in my youth, no matter how hungry I was. I was always told to “wait till we get home” - sometimes as more of a threat than a promised snack, depending on my behavior. So it pretty much grosses me out when I see people feed their…
Please have more abortions. I’ve been donating monthly to pp for decades now. People need to do a cost analysis of abortion vs carrying to term.
I would only send one text and then unfriend/block. Otherwise there’s the possibility of drunk booty calls from either party that would be awkward.