Woof LikeABear

Having female teachers during religion class teaching you to hate your gender is a special kind of self-hate fuckery. Not only are they buying into the oppression, they are helping oppress others like them. Well, I guess it’s not that unusual considering the majority of white women that voted the shitgibbon into

I’ve had Scottish friends who have been told to speak American by random douchbags. It was probably for the best that they mistook the stream of insults that followed as a “foreign language” that they could not understand.

If this gunman murdered enough Republican politicians, there’d be plenty done about it - after all, look what Reagan and Brady getting shot got us.

The Basque got more out of terrorism than any of the other provinces out of trying to peacefully vote. There’ll be a lesson in there for the future of Catalan independence.

These “experts” are full of crap. Who relaxes watching tv without reclining? When I wall mounted my tv, I sat back and centered and angled the tv where my eyes naturally focused and it was nowhere near these recommended distances and i don’t even have a fireplace. Take the time and do what’s comfortable.

I hope none of them consider their white teammates their allies, cuz this shows it would get them killed when it actually mattered.

And Democrats are holding their breath waiting for Texas to turn blue... while that may be a solution to holding the presidency in the future, I don’t see any way Republicans will lose congress or many of their state legislatures now that that have a stranglehold on it.

Just declare them a terrorist organization and be done with it. It’s not like we let ISIS run protests, give press conferences and raise money out in the open. And ultimately these people are no different than ISIS.

Centrists really are the worst..

The center has been allying with the right for decades and this is why they are the Democrats and they have been guilting the left to pander to them. It is about time the roles were reversed. The left has their own candidates now and we have no need to vote Republican-lite.

It would be great if all this actually moved the Democrats leftwards on economic issues. But I am not holding my breath.

I understand what he’s talking about. It’s just that we already have words for the people who keep trying to do what he’s trying to do using the same disproven or fake science, the same tactics and the same arguments that failed to stop blacks, women and LGBTs in their pursuit of civil rights. Maybe he was redpilled

sorry my bad, was thinking evopsych and typed evodevo.

So you just admitted that he sounds like a racist or sexist in that context (because he’s using the same arguments and sources that racists and sexists quote?), yet somehow he’s not because he wants to understand things more before doing anything. You do realize that’s identical to the arguments racists and sexists

I don’t know if you’re being willfully ignorant or just never had to deal with this type of approach in the workplace because you’re not a visible minority. It’s the “I’m not racist, but..” applied to women and minorities. He dances around the point because he knows he can’t come right out and say it. He criticizes

Just because there can be two sides to something doesn’t automatically make both those sides valid or equal in facts or morality. Spouting evodevo pseudoscientific eugenics doesn’t entitle anyone to respect for that opinion just beause it was worded politely.

Decades ago when I was researching for my thesis I came upon a dataset that indicated that the higher mortality for males suffering from nocturnal cardiac incidents was due to the fall while urinating. Ever since then, it’s been sitting due to paranoia.

I wish there was a finer breakdown of types of backpack - I’m in the market for one without zippers and that has well padded but non-curved/ergonomic shoulder straps because the first of those features annoy me and the second irritates my shoulder.

I wish there was a finer breakdown of types of backpack - I’m in the market for one without zippers and that has

Isn’t this one of Trump’s stronger demographics?