Now explain why redhead body odor tends to smells like rotten onions.. While brunettes have a much more tolerable odor of spoilt milk.
Now explain why redhead body odor tends to smells like rotten onions.. While brunettes have a much more tolerable odor of spoilt milk.
The Ikea Jansjo - both the desk and the clamp. It's cheap, adjustable, LED, bright but can be focused where you want it. The only downside has been the LED is not swapable once it burns out but at that price you can just get a new one.
The Ikea Jansjo - both the desk and the clamp. It's cheap, adjustable, LED, bright but can be focused where you want…
Can the company that provides that information used for swatting also be held liable I wonder?
And please don't forget to manscape and shave your dick and nuts. Maybe it'll be more photogenic for your dickpic, but the real reason is that nobody wants to pluck hair out from between their teeth.
If I don't drink milk, how would I get my legal dose of daily steroids? None of that organic stuff for me.
I'm guessing the Spidey movie is in preparation for the Civil War movie. So as much as I am absofuckinglutely sick of Peter Parker I don't think they can just pull in a different Earth's Spidey.
You could always try to take over 'gruh' which I've been told is the 'female' version of 'bruh'.
I am happy to refer to people as they want. However, during my education about trans issues I inferred that I should refer to someone as a man or a woman based on how they presented themselves and I should be referring to them as male or female based on how they were gendered, so there would be situation in which each…
It's such a pity gawker is too poor to hire private investigators to track these people down.. or hire private security.
I wonder what would happen if u tweeted the identical things you reported to the police that they did nothing about, to the police commissioner or one of his relatives?
Apparently brain damage is contagious.
Don't go with the 'period' excuse unless you plan to bleed on the mattress to validate it. Pee and blood leave entirely different mattress stains that will be a dead giveaway. I've had to clean enough of each from beds in my life to tell you that much. Pee will soak in and set into a dark brown ring on the mattress…
The only 'other side' to the issue of black lives matter is that black lives don't matter. So congrats on showing your true colors crypto-racist.
I just came here to see the crypto-racists expose themselves.
It's mostly the olds that are racist like most places. Most of the areas are now so full of yuppies that race is rarely a factor but we still have old people in the neighborhood who think Irish and Italians are subhuman.. so yeah.. there is that.
Why are we mad at CBS for showing us how badly women are treated by douchebag CEOs? in 2014?
That is incredibly informative and just solidifies my idea that this is absolutely a cult. Good on you for coming out and getting on with your life!
I'm really confused about this gamergater logic.
I hope u realize that queso de frier will always be so much better than frying cheese that was never meant to be fried.
Seems like a highly unstable design, just waiting to be knocked over and roll off the night stand and shatter on the floor. I like the concept but I need something designed a bit better or at least wall mountable.
Seems like a highly unstable design, just waiting to be knocked over and roll off the night stand and shatter on the…