Wood Rat Hawk

I actually agree with you on all of this. The only problem I really have is that the sole reason we’re even having opinions on Kerr’s opinion is because he fell for our big wet president’s trap of replying to his “scared little boy” comment before getting his views straight on China (or even voicing an opinion in the

Nah. We can be pissed off at the NBA for silencing someone’s take. That’s not like the various administrations sticking Uncle Sam’s genitals into the world’s various holes, but something we can do if we like. Nobody’s saying that we want to enforce our worldview on China. But I’ll be damned if I can’t say I don’t like

This is something I find myself struggling with a lot. There’s a part of me that says, well, if China’s money can buy Kerr’s speech, than anyone else’s could, too, so that means anything else he has to say is basically moot. That’s an idealistic part, maybe the sixteen year-old part of me, that still believes that

I disagree with a lot of what you are saying here. I do wish that Kerr said more, but you can’t just jump from “he didn’t say what I wanted him to say about this issue” to “stick to sportzzzz!”

But what if they did?....

Buffalo Buffalo

China is desperate to be the world superpower (not just _A_ world superpower, but _THE_ superpower, they have a chip on their shoulder the size of hong kong and-oh wait...), and now that they have the population and a one-world-market large enough to throw their weight around, that is exactly what they are going to do

These days, when people say complicated they often mean hard. Or just uncomfortable. But a lot of it is simple, but you have to say no. Give up some money for some dignity. Give up some privilege for some fairness. Hell, I'm not even sure it's hard, or that people doing the giving up are losing anything theyd really

In his defense, Gregg Popovich enlisted before he had Spurs.

It is legitimately terrifying on so many levels that he sees people who criticize him as people who criticize America. Biff the Dipshit cannot process that people who don’t love him still love the country.

Donald Trump did something crazy as hell today and people are still talking about this (and about Blizzard’s dealings with China as well). I love the NBA but I want them to deal with this in a way they haven’t, and am hoping this Congressional pressure will have some effect.

Congress, unlike the general public, tends to have a longer attention span on topics they deem worth paying attention to. If I were NBA, Blizzard, or any other dipshit who’s towed the CCP’s line I’d be concerned. Think about what it would take for AOC and Cruz to cosign something. These corps better correct course or

That sentence has a first half.

You must have a bunch of red pens at home.

I’m an Israeli, I’ve served in the IDF for 27 years - regular and reserve - in a combat capacity, because I believe Israel has the right to exist and without a strong army it would be wiped off the map. All that being said - how does my right to defend myself justify withholding basic human rights from 3 million

It’s tough because I think he thinks the whole “Stay quiet and make your money” thing is a virtue but I do think he’s kind of right in as much as we generally don’t see athletes talking about divisive political issues. It basically took something as monumental as electing the current idiot president and the police

How did you manage to read this part of the sentence without the context of the beginning of the same sentence as well as the sentence just before it?

The big, wet boi moved the embassy to appease Evangelicals. The move was necessary as part of their Dungeons & Dragons End Times script.

genuinely unsure how anyone with any reading  comprehension could come to this conclusion