- Thumper’s time signature corresponds to the numerical value of a level
Those wacky agitators at Pork magazine have been championing him for a few years now - but then, one of the reasons they love him/put his face on things is the fact that a mere glimpse his mug is enough to annoy a lot of people. I know nothing about him past that, and what I have read in this article, and the article…
I share your annoyance with that particular trend...I still don’t think anyone really wanted a ‘cro-nut’ outside of having an excuse to say their name
If it helps accomplish something worthwhile, that something is normally given as the reason for doing something, as opposed to tradition
Theres a lil ‘Aa’ in the top right of the comment box, click for options
My 2 cents: please continue to write long ‘commenticles’ (cross between comment and ‘article’ (cross between art and testicle)) as I love ‘em
Great! Thanks for the detailed response as ever. I already got Kojima as I got the all-DLC version, he seems to be keeping the others in line... and that MP tip sounds invaluable!
Yes! Fultons are so much fun! I spent a few minutes fultoning sheep and shooting them down before take-off. Eat confusion, sheep! I’m still to properly get to grips with Mother Base, any tips or advice there, or is it all pretty straightforward?
Also: Absolver’s take on multiplayer sounds close to my ideal. Ambling around and helping/fighting people at random...I miss Souls, and this sounds like the devs focussed on all the stuff about Souls multiplayer I adoore. I wasn’t aware of the game but now I’m very excited to check it out, looks very interesting…
I want a picture of that mafioso Mario next to Captain Internet’s Irish XCom soldier
I’m delighted we live in a world where ‘Dear Chris/Nightwing,’ is the correct formal way to start a corespondence
I DID NOT finish Persona 5 last weekend due to being incapacitated with flu, so I’ll be finishing that up at some point this week. This weekend I’m playing Sim Drunken Buffoon.
Love it! This was real cheap on PSN so I got it again, but it really does run like garbage and takes 3-4 minutes to load each thing. I’ll persevere out of my love for the first one/love of hats though
Some of the options are negative! Check this pastebin with every available option: https://pastebin.com/Bxu0putM
I found the first part incredibly compelling, as soon as the mesmerizing music kicked in proper and I was effortlessly skimming across an old foundry in the hazy sunset and crunching through robots, I was completely involved. I too didn’t like the hub world much at first, but it makes more sense the more you play, and…
Your queries address each other
Demon’s Cry and Cruel Lament too, but on 2B, the dual fists combat was so so satisfying. Otherwise the engine blade/cypress stick for the sweet FX...or a spear/giant blade combo for the spinning kick
Hahahaha that’s too bad/good! The thematic implications...*furrows brow and rubs chin*
Yeah really, I love it! I’m gonna read it again
Ah you’re right, there is quite a bit of dialogue about how they are still machines even though they appear to be androids (which in turn are defined by their human appearance), in fact that may be what leads 9S and 2B to start questioning their own existence, and this trepidation-in-place-of-immediate-violence sets…