
Did you beat him?

Hmm not really…it's by far the biggest area in the game and one of the best designed…it has a great new boss, and a few surprises, I really like it. Anyway it has a far grosser area with truly wretched enemies

Have you played the DLC?

what equipment did you manage in Dark Souls?

Seems pretty straightforward and useful… Is it like 'infusing' in Souls, but with way more components?

Haha I've had similar thoughts about my Ico special edition. Someone, somewhere in the world, did send one…

I think stuff like the smithing system might come into play when multiplayer takes off a bit more…I can see being impressed by someone's sword of complicated manufacture, but I don't think I would make one just for my own gratification

weird, where am I seeing CGI boars from?
Yeah I've got to see 13 Assassins again, so good. Even the weird 'forest man has sex with everything' scene. OK maybe not that scene. Though he is my favourite character

There's always money in the deep fried banana stand anything

*is crestfallen*
I guess it does have the ribald jovial, gung-ho attitude of Seigward and Seigmeyer

Sound great, I'll download this for the weekend. I already had Buckaroo Banzai lined up so it could be a wigged out 80s movie session

I would go so far as to call it 'a joke'

Same devs, similar game. If NG is your favourite series of all time this has got to be worth a go, surely

'Melancholy slog' is 100% tied to the lore, atmosphere, story, world and gameplay of Dark Souls/Bloodborne though, that's what those games are. Maybe you are looking for Revengance, or Mount and Blade? There's a lot of what you're looking for out there

hmph ok

'It's Benny and Timmy!
What a lovable pair of guys!
It's Benny and Timmy!
One nestles in the other's insides!

But wait, air-frying is not baking ! That's what the air fryer salesman told me anyway
But seriously air-frying is meant to provide the crispy edges etc…I hadn't heard of them until today but the promise of not-soggy falafel is enticing. I'm considering treating myself and my slovenly housemates on Friday

Everyone else says that without the 'un'…what is lacking?

I really miss fried junk. I hear a lot of good things about 'air fryers'. Anyone have any experience with these?

'Don't do that! But, if you do continue, you're catered for…'
Thanks ma!