Narcissistic rich person with no actual talent other than self-promotion is angry that accomplished professional half her age is accomplished, half her age, and has had the temerity to question rich person’s vapidity?
Narcissistic rich person with no actual talent other than self-promotion is angry that accomplished professional half her age is accomplished, half her age, and has had the temerity to question rich person’s vapidity?
Alternate proposal - get rid of cigarettes entirely.
WTF is the point of this post?
“It would be, y’know, kind of nice to give them a place to put their cigarette butts that aren’t a) flicked out of their window onto my car,”
I long ago came to the conclusion that many smokers are simply assholes. They hold their cigarettes outside of their cars, toss the butts where ever they feel like, etc. The…
My parents would warn people before we came over that I was picky as hell and wouldn’t eat a lot of stuff. All they needed was to have some bread and peanut butter, and I was fine. We went to one house where they came out with lasagna, and I almost jumped out of my chair. My mom had warned them that I wouldn’t eat…
I’m not condoning selfish behavior. Frankly I think we are in agreement.
The Abominable Snowman Hugo? How many people besides hardcore lore Looney Tunes people would know that? Also they this list needs more Mac and Tosh
Seriously, Gossamer has to be known more widely than the two gangsters.
If this blog will not recognize Gossamer, I will not recognize this blog. Good day.
I’m not surprised the Queen has her own diet, but mandating it on guests seems like poor etiquette. Then again, they are cheap, filler foods and I suppose the Royal Family can do just fine without them.
What’s fun is that it’s basically begging people to have a celebratory carb-fest when you die.
at age 92 is exactly when I would start eating whatever the fuck I wanted
Every country in the European Union requires ID to vote.
“Such visitors are drawn to the website by the widespread availability of free, unauthorized copies of Nintendo’s video games and other highly valuable intellectual property.”
it is related, because the whiny racist manbabies like to insist their rights are being violated.
Scam means it’s a deliberate attempt to trick people. I just think CR is incompetent and is bad at managing a project. From what I’ve read, this has been a long term problem when it comes to him.
Medical professional here(Nurse): Let me clue you in on a small fact you aren’t likely to see @ the top of of an article when you go on your hours long “omg this shit’s gonna kill me” bender online for every single medicine. They can all do horrible things to you. Will they? Not likely. If 1 out of 100,000 tests…
“If someone says “faggot” and they mean “an annoying person,” then they should be given room for that interpretation.”
Your response boils down to: “Many people disagree with me—therefore, a mob mentality is afoot. I will now conflate the idea of being rolled in the arena of rhetoric with mob violence, because I cannot do aught else but furiously attempt to shove the blame onto anyone but myself.”
You’re a sophist.
Next problem.
Seriously, if you look up “cringeworthy,” it’s just a screenshot of all your comments on this post. I’ve known fifth graders with more nuance than you’re capable of mustering.
It’s hilarious that you can’t write a single interesting or thoughtful response, and yet you have the audacity to call other people names. It’s honestly just pitiful how small you are.