
Thanks for the response Sarahfp. I see your points and so I guess my real problem then is with the heavy handed nature of actually banning something in the context of large families, wealth to support choice, and servants. In this case it’s not like the Queen is doing any of the cooking, let alone shopping, and so for

Speaking to the failure of dying... check-point only saving is just the worst, most evil, stupid garbage in the face of immersion and exploration.

Yeah, they just want a cool hiding spot in a well designed cubby-hole. This really has nothing to do with smoking or ash-trays... beyond some of them being well designed. Hardly worthy of asking for “actual” ash-trays again is it? Wth? /shakeshead

Wishing painful death on the ignorant? Aren’t you in that same pool? /rhetorical. You’re part of the problem finding world peace because you’re an asshole and not part of the solution (vulgar language but you are seriously a shit for wishing death on the ignorant). Lose that inhuman vile attitude of yours.

If cars come with cavities these days, it’s more cup holders, and how many of those do we really need?

Tips on playing one handed?

Yes we are in agreement. Well said on all points. Apologies if I seemed selfish in the way I tried to express my thoughts. :)

I feel you’ve unfairly re-framed this as being about the guest having unreasonable demands and expectations of certain dishes being served or the notion that hosts “have” to cater to guests. Not at all to either point! I’m only declaring that hosts that “only” cater to their own tastes with no consideration for

This should have been the lead in paragraph...

We never got the unedited version in Canada. ;)

What? No Mac and Tosh (Goofy Gophers) or Count Blood Count (Transylvania 6-5000). For shame!

Darwin would be intrigued. Let it happen.

How long would you remain friends with someone who never catered to your tastes and only considered their own when creating meals (among other thigns). This behavior is supremely selfish... how can you condone that?

It’s quiet simple really... the host (Queen or otherwise) is only serving items “they” like. That’s called being selfish and not thinking of or catering to your guests. Fuck selfish and inconsiderate people like this.

...it’s poor etiquette to *not* eat what has been served.

I would truly walk out on her if I learned she banned my food that she herself never touches. That’s megalomania gone nuts. Fuck that.

At “any” age I’ll eat whatever the fuck I want. How dare someone else limit what food I have access to simply because they don’t like it themselevs. Fuck all people who think or act like this.

Eat whatever you like but don’t you dare limit what others want to eat! Fuck people like this.

“They may not be young, but they can love as deeply and passionately as anyone.”